BME100 f2015:Group16 1030amL1

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Aditya Konduri

Sudarshan Kandel

Jacob Baca

Nic March

Javon Boaz

Steven Rojo


Independent and Dependent Variables

Independent Variable: The independent variable is the dose of polysaccharide (LPS). This is the independent variable because it is manipulated to change the effect on the dependent variable.

Dependent Variable: The dependent variable in this study is Inflammotin. Inflammotin is the variable being effected due to the change in the independent variable. Therefore, if we manipulate the amount of polysaccharide (LPS) given to each subject, we can study the effect it has on the inflammotin levels.

Experimental Design

1)The independent variables are the dosages of LSP of the test subjects, 2)The experiment will be performed in a strict line up of procedures. The measured amount of the LPS, will be administered to the subjects at a designated time of 9A.M. The protein levels will be measured from the following time points: 1 hour prior to administering, 2 hours following administering, 6 hours following administering, and 12 hours following the administration of the LSP. Coinciding with this observation, the food that the subjects consume will be measured also. For instance the amount of food, the nutrition of said food, and bowel movements will all be recorded in order to see any fluctuations among subjects. This cycle will be replicated everyday for 60 days. 2a) There will be 4 groups of elderly (60-70 years of age) subjects. 1 group of 10 mg (control), 1 control of 0mg, 1 with 3mg and another test group with 7mg of LSP. 2b) Within each group, there will be 20 subjects in each, 10 males and 10 females. This is done in order for the experiment to have a suitable testing size that will eliminate the majority of testing outliers. 3)The test subjects will be selected by sharing a similar range of ages. They will have a similar life style to one another (diet, health condition, living quarters, mental health, etc.) 4)Factors that may cause errors in the experiment would be the following: Prior health conditions would have the results be skewed in the form of a higher or lower amount of protein found in the patient. For instance patients with Type I Diabitis could have false results with the introduction of their insilin shots. Another method that could affect the results would be the wide array of diets among the subjects., Lastly results could differ with the ability of the subjects to absorb the medicine, as seen with sickle cell anemia and hemophylia.

Subject Selection

Subjects will be chosen from several random retirement homes and regular homes from five separate cities. They will consist of 40 fairly healthy males and 40 healthy females. All subjects will have a similar Inflammotin levels in their body with little to no history of lipopolysaccharide use. 40 males will then be divided at random into 4 equal groups, each consisting of 10 males per group. The forty females will also be split up into 4 groups of 10, and each female group will be paired with a similar male group for a certain does of the lipopolysaccaride. How we will gather our subjects for this study is put sign up request forms outside of famous super-centers frequented by elderly people, such as Safeway, Target and Wal-Mart. As added incentive, we will compensate ten dollars to each of the participants who take place in this study.

Sources of Error and Bias

There are several possible sources of error or bias in our experiment. The first is experimenter bias. We can battle experimenter bias by having our subjects placed in groups randomly based upon a random number generator. Another source of error could be the patients current and past health problems. It is possible that a patients history of smoking, disease, or medical issues could make them a bad test subject for our drug. To solve this issue, we may have to deny people from our experiment if they do not meet up to certain guidelines that we have set. It is also possible that our patients' lifestyles and food choices could interfere with the effectiveness of the drug. To correct for this we will have our patients get on the same schedule of eating, sleeping, and refrain from the use of other drugs or alcohol, as well as limit the consumption of certain foods that can effect the protein levels in the body. This will start 2 weeks before the experiment to ensure that they are used to the new lifestyle before the experiment. Lastly when, where, and how the patients blood is tested could lead to errors in our results. Patients will be tested at the same time, of the same day of the week, on the same part of the body, and at least two blood draws will be done. This will help to ensure that all readings are accurate and not influenced by outside factors other than our drug.