Independent and Dependent Variables
Independent variable: lipopolysaccharide
Dependent variable: inflammatory protein (Inflammotin)
Controlled items:
Same dosage over trial period for one subject
Administered at same time of day
Consistent diet
Testing done on same day every week
Experimental Design
Length of test: until the maximum expression of the protein is reached
Weekly checkins
Checkin 1:
take blood sample using ELISA and provide first dosage
Future checkins:
continue to take blood samples using ELISA and provided continued dosages
Groups - (72 people total)
- Control group: sugar pill (placebo)
- 10 mg pill of lipopolysaccharide
- 8 mg pill of lipopolysaccharide
- 6 mg pill of lipopolysaccharide
- 4 mg pill of lipopolysaccharide
- 2 mg pill of lipopolysaccharide
Retirement age: 65-85
- 88% of nursing home residents are 65 or older, and 45% are 85 or older.
- Statistic from a report done by AARP
- http://assets.aarp.org/rgcenter/il/fs10r_homes.pdf
Number of subjects per group
12 subjects per group
Subject Selection
- Random selection in retirement homes and communities based off of their room numbers and addresses
- Must fit the following criteria:
- health standards
- ambulatory
- able to give informed consent
- close to equal amount of men and women
Sources of Error and Bias
- Individual’s reaction to drug
- review preexisting health conditions to determine if participants are eligible for the study
- Location of subjects’ residences (the demographic)
- Deaths not related to the study