BME100 f2015:Group11 8amL1

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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Dean Spyres
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Kyle Greenzweig
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Maria Roman
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Kyra Temple
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Ryan Tenorio
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Theodore Valenzuela


Independent and Dependent Variables

Independent variable-the amount of lipopolysaccharide given to the elderly, because we have control over the dosage levels and we vary it from 0mg to 10mg, it’s the only variable that we are changing

Dependent variable- the amount of Inflammotin, a protein that presents itself in a blood sample. The levels are being impacted by the independent variable, this is the amount being measured.

Experimental Design


6 groups increasing by 2 mg from 0mg to 10 mg, we needed to keep costs down and represent a broad spectrum to get an idea of the optimal dosage.


65-80 years old

Number of subjects per group

15 subjects per group, since we have an age range of 15 years we needed 15 people per group to reduce the variability between ages

Subject Selection

65-85 years, a mixture of genders and health levels. We present a control of 10mg and 0mg to compare the results between each group.

Sources of Error and Bias

Outliers; people above (or below) a certain age might not react to the drug the same way, health levels of the subject would vary and their reaction to the drug could be effected if they have preexisting health conditions. Accuracy of lowest dosage; the gap between dosages given too each group may inhibit our ability to pinpoint the optimal (lowest) dosage accurately. Time between dosage and the reading needs to be consistent between all subjects. Our biases are present toward the lower end of our dosage spectrum.