BME100 f2015:Group11 1030amL1

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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Bernard Silverman
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Ashley Hermosillo
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Ryan Hryciw
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Luis Novelo
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Sebastian Kramer
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Name: Raegan Barry


Independent and Dependent Variables

The independent variable is the amount of LPS(mg). We chose this because it is the variable that we are changing between groups. The dependent variable is the amount of Inflammotin in blood samples. We chose this because it is the variable that we are measuring change in response to the LPS(mg) level.

Experimental Design

Control Group: 0mg Group 1: 2mg Group 2: 4mg Group 3: 6mg Group 4: 8mg Group 5: 10mg We chose these quantities to narrow down what the minimum amount of LPS required to raise inflammotin levels. We chose 10mg of LPS as the maximum because it already showed results in increasing inflammotin levels.

Ages 60-80 We chose these age groups because they are considered elderly.

Number of subjects per group
20 subjects per group.

Subject Selection

Use Arizona's Census to narrow down our age group in order to eliminate bias. Randomly taking 120 of those people that meet the inclusion needs with an RNG, we will separate them into two groups based on sex, randomly numbering each person from 1-120 to increase randomization. Numbers 1-20 are the control group, 21-40 are group 1, 41-60 are group 2, etc. Exclusions: - People already taking other medications because they might react with LPS, not only endangering their life, but also reducing the amount of control of the experiment. - People with special dietary needs because their preexisting condition would add an uncontrollable variable. - People with protein deficiency because they may lack Inflammotin altogether.

Sources of Error and Bias

- People not maintaining their normal diets. The control for this is to require the subjects to create a daily diet journal. - Someone not following the prescription. The control for this is making the subjects sign an agreement to follow procedures. - Since our sample selection is from Arizona, these subjects might drink more water, thus flushing their system and the LPS. The control for this is to have each subject record how much water they drink each day.