BME100 f2015:Group10 8amL2

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Name: Katarina Junioi
Name: Diba Pourazar
Name: Amity Jackson
Name: Jarrett Eshima
Name: Jose Luis Rivera
Name: Sheldon Cummings


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1: Rats

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Experiment 2: Humans

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Experiment 1: Rats
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T-Test: 0.867403497

  • A t-test was performed because only two data sets were being compared (0 mg to 10 mg of LPS). Based on the results of the t-test, there was no significance difference between the two data sets.

Pearson's Correlation: -0.575156279

  • The correlation of these two data sets implies that there is no correlation of the data. A T-test was chosen for this experiment because there were only two sets of data, therefore the T-test can effectively be used check for significance.

Experiment 2
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The p-value was found to be 1.4 X 10^-16. This value is extremely small which emphasizes the accuracy of the data.
An ANOVA test followed by multiple T-tests were used because there were more than two sets of data. The ANOVA allowed the p-value to be found, which told hpw likely it is that the data was found to be significant by coincidence. The lower the value, the less likely it is that the data was found by coincidence. The T-tests that followed were used to verify that all relationships (between all sets of data) were significant.


Experiment 1: Rats
Based on the results of this experiment and the tests conducted (t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient), the dosage of LPS had no effect on the Inflammotin levels of rats.

Experiment 2
Based on the results of the human experiment and the tests used to compare our data, it was found there was significance between all parts of our data. The dosage of LPS had a significant effect on the Inflammotin level of humans.


The first study observed the relationship between the increase in LPS dosage and the Inflammotin level of the rats. This was used as a pre-clinical study to determine if the LPS would have a significant effect on Inflammotin level. Although the data from the first experiment suggests that there isn't a significant correlation between LPS dosage and Inflammotin level, a second experiment was conducted. The second experiment involved the elderly from a retirement center. In this experiment is was found that there is a strong correlation between the dosage of LPS and the Inflammotin level in the elderly. The discrepancy between the first and second experiments could be due to how humans versus rats react to the LPS dose; the rats may not be effected by it however it is apparent that the elderly reacted positively to it. Therefore, there is a strong possibility that the LPS dosage given and the Inflammotin level of humans is correlated although more testing is needed before a conclusion can be drawn.