BE Board:Undergraduate Transition - 4/18/07 Minutes

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Grad/Undergrad Planning Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2007

Where: 56-302 When: 11am - 12pm

  1. Structure of the Graduate Board
    • General objective - See the handout from the meeting for the information presented.
    • Positions
    • Monthly events
    • Yearly events
      • Undergrads are unsure if they are invited to current events
      • Getting emails about BE.526
      • Undergraduates are included on be-list for future reference
  2. What do the undergrads want
    • Ideal
      • What other dept/ student groups do
        • BMES: (+) Weekly faculty lunches, (-) Same day/ time all semester which is difficult if it doesn't fit in your schedule
        • Brain/Cog: (+) Informal dinner with faculty
      • Things they would like to see (preliminary list)
        • Development of infrastructure in the undergrad major to allow for students to go abroad
        • Hopefully orchestrated with a number of big school in Europe
        • Long term: is this some place the Thailand/ Singapore programs might fit in
        • Sasha currently organizes breakfast and lunch events to introduce freshman to BE and foster social interaction, for next year, these events should be transitioned off SWE (current funder) and onto the BE UG Board/Reps.
    • Near Future
      • Would like to see initiative from the department to interact with undergrads
      • '08 and '09 apparently don't actually know who one another are
      • Would like inter and intra-class social interaction
      • Interaction with graduate students to learn about UROP oppurtunities and Grad School
  3. Kick off event
    • Early May?
      • Initial plan is for a '08, '09 mixer event to allow all the undergrads to meet one another
      • Students attending the meeting today will survey their classmates about the venue, activity and date/time.
  4. Planning for the future
    • Transition combined group?
      • Stick with initial transitional plan with undergrads sitting on grad board
    • Size of group
      • Probably just two representatives from each class (students who attended the meeting)at the moment
    • Elections/meetings
      • Additional meeting in two weeks to finalize event planning, plan budget and elections for next year
      • Plan to have current class reps organize and hold elections in early september when students arrive for fall