BE Board:Post-doc Talk
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Post-doc Talk
When: Nov 15, 6-8 pm
Where: 56-154
What: A panel of post-docs will lead a discussion on post-doc life.
Food will be provided.
RSVP to remiller "at" mit "dot" edu by November 13 for planning purposes.
Potential Topics
- How to approach the search for a post-doc
- What to consider before accepting a position
- How a post-doc is different from being a graduate student
- Importance of networking skills and oppurtunities for networking (as a grad student and post-doc)
- Area of emphasis for post doc (new area, more of the same)
- Defined set of goals for a post-doc
- Independent funding for post-doc work, how important is it?
- What skills beyond scientific technique should be acquired in a post-doc
- Transition to a faculty position, preparing your work proposal for interviews
- Is doing a post-doc a horrible career decision (considering your qualifications at that point and the hours/pay)? Is there a good way to impartially evaluate whether it is a good idea for you - some sort of career counseling hotline? maybe a questionnaire?