BE Board:Michelle Sukup

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Michelle R. Sukup

Year: 2007
Track: Bioengineering
Lab: Engelward [1]

Contact Information

Phone: 617-253-6751
Office address: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Department of Biological Engineering

77 Massachusetts Ave., 56-639

Cambridge, MA 02140

General Information

Education and Research

Hi there! I'm currently a PhD candidate in Biological Engineering at MIT. I am originally from a small town in southwest Iowa called Malvern. I went to the University of Iowa in Iowa City, IA, for BS and MS. I was very fortunate to work with Dr. Gina C. Schatteman of Integrated Physiology at UI and Dr. Victor G.J. Rodgers at the University of California at Riverside for my MS degree. My thesis research focused on the feasibility of using adult CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells to vascularize a bioartificial pancreas. My research interests lie in the field of cellular response to physical stimuli.


I am planning to be married in Summer 2008, so in addition to courses and research, I'm busy preparing for that. My favorite color is blue, and I have a cat that lives in Iowa with my fiance. I enjoy theater, water skiing, volunteering, donating blood and platelets, and watching the show Heroes. I am interested in sustainability issues and was on the planning committee for the National Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) meeting in 2007. So everyone, please recycle, this includes rinsing out your take-out food dishes and putting them in the recycle bin.