BE Board:Joel Wagner

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Joel Wagner

Year: 2007
Track: Bioengineering
Lab: Doug Lauffenburger

Contact Information

Email: jpw
Office address: 56-353

General Information

Education: I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin and studied Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. At the end of college I received some funding from Cancer Research UK and the US National Science Foundation, so I spent a year in England studying Computational Biology at the University of Cambridge. <br\ >

Research: I'm interested in different levels of cellular modeling, coupled to computationally informed experimental exploration and verification, mainly to study cancer. I've had significant research experiences in both experimental and computational settings. <br\ >

Hobbies: When I'm not pipetting or computing away, you can probably find me watching The Newshour with Jim Lehrer or The Daily Show on my laptop, reading my weekly copy of The Economist, or getting lost in a foreign city. I've lived in Germany, Austria, and England, and traveled in 16 other countries. On the science side, I have a growing interest at the hyperplane of biology, computer science, physics, and philosophy, in the vein of Norbert Wiener, Douglas Hofstadter, and Erwin Schrödinger.<br\ >