2012 (Fall) Projects
Project 26: The Cloning of Atrolysin A from Crotalus atrox and "Stone Cold" and Kayla Ohrt & AJ Goos
Project 22: Production of prodigiosin in E. Coli by Team Jacob (Stephanie Vondrak, Brian Hovey)
2011 (Fall) Projects
Project 20: Cloning and expression of neutral protease gene from B. Stearothermophilus / (TIC)
Project 14: Cloning of the Orcinol O-methyltransferase (OOMT2) Gene in Roses (Megan, Kim)
2010 (Fall) Projects
Project 13: Detecting Estrogen in Water with Florescence "Team Detectors"
Project 12: Oscillating fluorescence in E. coli and "Team BAs"
Project 11: E. coli fluorescing based on cold temp sensor and "E cool I"
Project 9: Tetrodotoxin Production in E. coli Using Pufferfish Flp Genes. "Team Petrificus Totalus"
2009 (Fall) Projects
Project 8: Human Factor X: The NeXt generation of clotting
Project 6: Strawberry Shortcake: An Exploration of the FaQR Gene
2009 (Spring) Projects
Project 5: NarL promotor manipulation "g(NarL)y prom(-O)ters"
Project 4: Anti-Fungal Bacteria "MoldBusters"
Project 3: Tear Inducing Bacteria by "It's my E. coli and I'll cry if I want to"
2008 (Fall) Projects
Project 2: The sweet smell of ...E.coli?
Project 1: Our Field of Dreams by "Emblazon"
Templates (please don't delete)
Project sandbox: This is your playground (everybody can use it)
Project template: Reference template for future classes (please do not modify)