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All assignments should be dropped into the homework drop-box, found here
- Personal Design Portfolio (individual grade, up to 25% of your final grade)
- Each assignment is worth 10 points and is due before class on the day it's due.
- There will be 0.5 points deducted for each 24 hour period that the assignment is late.
- PDP_1: iGEM review questions, due 02.04.10
- PDP_2: letter, due 02.04.10
- PDP_3: script, due 02.09.10
- PDP_4: teamwork and learning styles, due 02.17.10
- PDP_5: camp catalog favorites, due 02.18.10
- PDP_6: elements of good design, due 02.23.10
- PDP_7: DIYbio reflections, due 02.24.10
- PDP_8: Recombinant DNA and Asilomar, due 03.02.10
- Project Development Notebook (team grade, up to 10% of your final grade)
- This assignment will include your team facebook page, your team contract, and your project log
- The project log is due on the day of your Final Presentation
- The project log is worth 20 points
- A sample of a superb project log can be found here.
- The other assignments are worth 10 points each and are due before class on the day it's due.
- There will be 0.5 points deducted for each 24 hour period that the assignment is late.
- Team Project Presentations (team grade, up to 60% of your final grade)
- "3 Ideas Presentation" (15%)
- "Technical Specification Review" (15%)
- Final Presentation
- technical documents (20%)
- presentation (10%)
- Instructor Leverage (individual grade, up to 5% of your final grade)
Class policies
Students in 20.020 should:
- Do great things
- Do their best
- Come to class with an open mind and some energy to engage with the challenges
- Work collegially and constructively
- Tell people who need to know if there is a problem