20.109(F12): Slides for Journal Club Presentation

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20.109(F12): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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For this assignment you will choose a journal article from the lists shown in Module 2. Alternatively you can request an article that seems relevant to the topics but is not on the list.
Once you've decided on an article that interests you, there are 7 more steps:

  1. "reserve" the article. The same article can be chosen in the T/R and the W/F sections but not by two people on the same day. Please email your choice to skalford or astachow AT mit DOT edu, and also "reserve" it by putting your (initials/lab section/team color) next to the listing on the Module 2 wiki. For visibility, please use the following format to sign up if possible, substituting in your own initials and team color: [ANS/WF/Purple].
  2. read the article carefully several times and decide which of the figures or aspects of the data you would like present. Ask for help here if you have questions.
  3. review the instructions for giving an oral presentation, even if you will not be delivering these slides to the class. You will only need to prepare the data and summary slides for this part of the assignment!! The relevant pointers are reprinted below.
  4. review Atissa's instructions about constructing slides and draft the slides you could use to present this paper orally. See the DO's and DON'Ts below! Slides should be made in a .ppt file (or .pptx or keynote etc).
  5. add a title slide. This can be simple but should include your name and the name of the paper you're presenting.
  6. submit your slides by saving the file as a .pdf, making each slide into a page. This may affect some animations but will preserve your formatting. You may also upload the .ppt for consideration. Please name your files according to the convention: First Initial_Last Name_Lab Section_ Assignment.pdf, for example T_Beaver_TR_SlidesMod2.pdf.
  7. finish by uploading the file to our Stellar homework drop box.
Do Don't
Data Section 4-6 slides
  • Present the data in a logical sequence, letting each slide build upon the last
  • Include a title for each slide. The title should be the conclusion to be drawn
  • Make every element of your slide visible to the entire room. This means 20 point font or greater
  • Plan your slide with lists that you would read to the audience
  • Put too much information on each slide. Each slide should make only one point
  • Include fonts so small that you'd be inclined to say, “I know you can’t read this, but…” Everything on each slide should be legible.
  • Pack the slides with extraneous information. It's OK to leave some data from the paper out
Summary slide ~1 slide
  • Review each of your main “messages”
  • Say what the study contributed to the field. Maybe there's been some follow up work worth noting?
  • Forget to acknowledge authors, contributors and audience (this can be an extra slide if desired)