20.109(F12): FACS data analysis and defense
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Schedule for Module 1 FACS data analysis and defense
Due: October 11th, 2012
- The slides for this assignment are due by 11AM.
- The oral defense for this assignment will take place during lab on M2D1, either 10.11.12 or 10.12.12.
- The required slides are detailed below.
- Please turn in your slides electronically by uploading them to the Stellar website that is associated with our class. It is important that you name your files according to this convention: LabSection_TeamColor_Mod1_FACS.ppt, for example: TR_TeamGold_Mod1_FACS.ppt
- There will be a 1/3 letter grade penalty for each day (24 hour period) late. If you are submitting your assignment after the due date, it must be emailed to bevin, nkuldell, skalford and astachow AT mit DOT edu.
Guidelines for your submission
Your slides must include the following:
- Title: a title page that includes you and your lab partner's name, your lab section and your team color.
- Flow Cytometry: 1/2 this slide should present a fully labelled and formatted figure to show how flow cytometry works. You can re-use the figure from the wiki if you include a reference for it. This portion of your slide should also have a legend that is numbered and titled, and that explains how flow cytometry works. On the second 1/2 of this slide, you should include your expectations for each of the samples you tested by FACS and a brief justification for the expectation.
- Raw FACS data: This entire slide can present a fully labelled and formatted figure to show your raw FACS data. This should include flow plots for negative control, positive control and one of your samples. You should use arrows to indicate key attributes. Your figure should have a legend that is numbered and titled, and that includes a brief interpretation of each flow plot.
- Class FACS data: This entire slide can present a fully labelled and formatted figure or table to show the class FACS data and its significance. You must include some statistical analysis of the data. Your figure should have a legend that is numbered and titled, and that includes a brief explanation of which samples you decided to analyze statistically, and what your findings indicate. You should clearly state if your statistical analysis used data from the T/R lab, or the W/F lab, or both. If there are data points that you've discarded, use the legend to say why.
- Individual FACS data: 1/2 this slide should present a fully labelled and formatted figure or table to show your own FACS data set. This portion of your slide should also have a legend that is numbered and titled, and that explains what was done and what is shown. One the second 1/2 of this slide, you should include at least 3 bullet points that interpret your data and explain how it compares to what the class sees.
- Conclusion: self-explanatory--go to town!
Guidelines for the oral defense of your slides
We will give you time to talk with other groups about their data and then you and your lab partner will go together to meet with Bevin where you will describe the slides you've prepared. She will ask you questions to probe your understanding of the data. She will also make suggestions to better present and describe the work. These meetings will last approximately 15 minutes and will take place during lab on M2D1, so you will have to plan your work accordingly.