20.109(F11):DNA engineering lab practical

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20.109(F11): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

Home        People        Schedule Fall 2011        Assignments        Lab Basics        OWW Basics       
DNA Engineering        System Engineering        Biomaterials Engineering              

Advance Preparation

Recall that by conscientiously working in the lab, you have been preparing for the lab practical all along. In addition, as "For Next Time" assignments, you have prepared:

  1. a protocol that describes the PCR you did, including the basic design elements for primers
  2. a transformation cheatsheet
  3. a diagnostic digest cheatsheet

Also recall that you have practiced some calculations and data analysis associated with ligations, transformations, plasmid miniprep's and restriction analysis through agarose gel electrophoresis.

On the day of the lab practical

  • The instructions you have written will be the only instructions you will be allowed to use during your lab practical. No use of the internet or the class wiki to brush up or check a fact.
  • You can use a calculator.
  • You will work alone on this lab practical, not with your lab partner.
  • All the Mod1 content from Day 1 through Day 6 is fair game.
  • The lab practical is expected to take approximately 1.5 hours.
  • The lab practical is worth 10% of your final grade.