User:Sarah Burkhard/Notebook/CHEM 481 Polymers/2016/10/19

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Heavy metals

We will start measuring our beads' absorbance capacity of heavy metals. We will use solutions "contaminated" with Zinc, Lead, and Copper, as these are most common in the DC metro area.

10 ml 120 ppm Zinc solution was prepared, potentially to be diluted to ppb. Zinc source was Zinc chloride. 0.0012 g ZnCl was added to 10 ml water.

A 20 % bead column was prepared. Wet weight (with soaked diaphragm, tube, labels, and top):15.9570 Weight with beads:16.6531 g Mass of beads: 0.6961 g

A 60 % bead column was prepared. Wet weight: 15.6309 g Weight with beads: