User:Sarah Burkhard/Notebook/CHEM 481 Polymers/2016/10/05

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Beads analysis

  • We stopped running the AC clean at 107.

We started the 30 % clay beads and had to re-label the 20 % column. We added fewer beads in the column to reduce the amount of solution to run through before reaching the beads' saturation point. However, the first 5 ml ran through the beads very slowly,

Other group's data presentation

percent error, avg percent error. also important: precision . can you make same measure ? high precision but average off: calibration. precision off: technique. find standard deviation! larger deviation: less precision.

compare water pH: low pH: CO2 concentration

plot of oven dried vs swelling. identify highest swelling capacity. dry first then rehydrate to make sure you have same dry weight. might not completely swell bc equilibrium takes time to establish.

UV Vis : absorption capacity much higher compared to activated carbon; also does not release impurities as quickly.

2 graphs: left: larger changes with concentration good for small concentrations. right: good for high concentrations

total capacity of beads vs total capacity of clay. latter should be constant.if not: covering portions of surface (if decreases). if total clay capacity increases (opening up more binding sites ) pore size, diffusion etc important. how absorption was determined ? show plot / method ppm vs solution number. bar graph. data: just clay or just AC. AC 5 - 10 times better, but mobilized by polymer. impurities come right off of carbon , but for clay you can add desorbing material.