User:Ilya/OpenWetWare/Blogging/Signup restrictions

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  • Support - tags - signup
    • disable signup - search result from
    • disable "create a new blog" - has a plug-in that disables signups without modifying core files
    • Disallow registration (only the admins can create blogs for the users)
      • search for "disable signup" turns up much relevance
      • delete or rename the wp-signup.php file or put in a die(); right at the beginning. The only other way new blogs would then be created is via the form at the bottom of the Dashboard -> Site Admin -> Blogs page
    • Moderating Blog Signups
    You can use the 'wpmu_activate_blog' action to deactivate a newly created blog. Look at line 1131 of wpmu-functions.php. I'd set the deleted field in wp_blogs for the new blog to '1', filter the welcome message using the 'update_welcome_email', and/or edit it through the site admin options page to inform the user that they're blog must be moderated. You'll have to build a page to moderate new signups too, but that shouldn't be too hard. It should of course send a welcome email to the new blog owner
    Wordpress' important user functions and such are in the wp-includes/pluggable.php file and have been designed to be overridable; a plugin could replace those functions and implement its own user login and authentication scheme.
    Best bet would be to use the Limit the email registrations feature at Dashboard -> Site Admin -> options and set it to only your companies email domain; remove the all of the links to the signup page as well even getting rid of the signup file
    put a redirect in the top of wp-signup that redirects them to a "custom" form on your site that mimics the signup process; then, create a blog in the back end (or add a user) if you want to "approve" it
    From site admin panel we can restrict registration to the users who have emails in certain domains. Use regexp in wpmu-functions.php to provide wildcard.