User:Alicia Rasines Mazo/Notebook/CHEM-581 Experimental Chemistry I/2014/10/17

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Tasks for October 17

  • To begin synthesis of PVa and 10% wt PVA-Clay films
  • To complete synthesis of films from Oct. 15
  • To complete synthesis of cation exchange modified clays
  • To determine density of films
  • To complete data analysis

New film synthesis

  • 1.0046 g of 22,000 MW PVA and 0.1113 g of NaMT were hydrated with 7 mL of distilled water
  • 1.0082 g of 22,000 MW PVA were hydrated with 7 mL distilled water
  • Heated at approx. 80ºC under gentle stirring until all crystals were dissolved
  • Cooled to room temperature
  • Added 0.5 mL 0.8% wt glutaraldehyde
  • Stirred for 3 min to ensure homogeneity
  • Poured into teflon dish

Completion of film synthesis

Placed film in sodium sulfate, 1% HCl and sodium bicarbonate.

Measuring density of films

  • Cut out 3 pieces each from PVA and PVA-Clay polymer films, allowed to dry and weighed. Measured volume. Density was found to be:
Film Initial Mass (g) Dried Mass (g) Displaced volume (mL) Density (g/mL)
PVA film 0.0278 0.0102 0.1 0.102
0.0255 0.0129 0.07 0.184
0.0265 0.0089 0.114 0.078
PVA-Clay film 0.0122 0.0067 0.480 0.014
0.0177 0.0102 0.44 0.023
0.0307 0.0145 0.23 0.063

Completion of ionic modified clays

  • Completed synthesis from Oct. 3