User:Alexander L. Davis/Notebook/In-Home Displays/2012/03/20

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Interview Suggestions

  • Interview 1 -- 40 min
* consent
 * the next is too far over, center would be better
* home appliance
 * heat pump is more common than central A/C
 * order appliances – clothes washer near dryer
 * missed “do you use this appliance regularly”
* ranking by electricity use
 * would be easier to do high/medium/low than rank order
 * TV is more because it’s on more – misunderstood directions
 * Microwave is tricky because it’s on for so few
 * Oven/central air - Weird highlighting
* “Who would ever run their microwave for 1 hour?”
* numbering switches on cost of electricity – 
 * was that 1 uses most electricity, now 4 costs the most, 1 saves the most energy
* electricity use
 * “this is the same question!”
* should rank high/medium/low
 * very difficult to rank in order
 * numbering makes it harder to change your mind and go back to fix things
* shocked that big house has electricity bill of $100
 * want square footage of house
 * thought sizes of appliances were useful
* IHD sim
 * say that you should turn up volume for IHD
 * put a transcript on the screen because it’s faster
 * run lights for 40 hours
 * assuming water heater is F
 * set water to 140
 * set fridge to 39.5
 * set AC to 78.5
 * set freezer to -4
 * “this is very confusing”
 * want to run for a week – simulate own lifestyle
 * do typical week’s consumption
 * change AC at night
 * want to key in own information
 * got frustrated and went to the next page
* How to spend $5/month
 * This is very hard
 * Completely guessing
* How to use 10 kWh
 * This is also impossible
 * Just guessing
* kWh cost
 * should say the units – not clear
 * wants to look at electricity bill
* kWh of appliances
 * I have no idea
 * Just guessing
 * “this is what I do for all stupid surveys”
* IHD sim
 * Not clear that all the thermostat things are on
 * Wants it to be personalized
 * Doesn’t make sense to learn about The Smiths – only concerned with self
 * Want to be able to turn off thermostat things
 * Want to just look up electricity use in a table
 * Very difficult to disaggregate appliances from sum
 * Answering for self – not the Smith’s for cost of kWh
 * Doing twice was bad enough – not interested in doing 4 times
* Electricity knowledge questions
 * Just giving ideas – not necessarily specific to scenario
 * Feel like she didn’t learn anything from IHD
 * Hates answering same questions over and over again
 * “This is broken, it took me back to the beginning”
 * Didn’t help at all
* Wants the IHD to be about her house
* Prefers $ - takes into account non-peak pricing
* Demographics
 * Last two numeracy questions are better
* Confusing smart thermostat and IHD
* Looked at IHD and said “I have one of those!” but she has a smart thermostat