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Reproducible Analysis and Visualization of intracranial EEG (RAVE) is free and open-source software for the analysis of intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) data, including data collected using strips and grids (electrocorticography, ECoG) and depth electrodes (stereotactic EEG). A sister package to RAVE is the YAEL electrode localization toolkit.

Latest updates Great new feature in the 3D Viewer: Mesh outline shader for enhanced visualization of cortical landmarks together with sEEG electrodes and subcortical structures.


RAVE poster presented at the 2022 Society for Neuroscience Meeting

RAVE poster presented at the 2022 Organization for Human Brain Mapping Meeting

Click here for an interactive RAVE poster presented at the 2022 NIH Brain Initiative Investigators Meeting

RAVE is easy to use and creates publication-ready figures with absolutely no programming. RAVE can import standard data formats, including Matlab and EDF, and is compatible with BIDS-iEEG. It runs on laptops, lab servers, or in the cloud. Since all user interactions take place through a web browser, the user experience is identical on Mac, Windows and Linux. Data from RAVE can be exported for analysis using other software (click here for a list of iEEG analysis tools). Conversely, outside results can be imported and visualized using RAVE's visualization engine. RAVE provides templates to make it easy to create GUI-based analyses using the streamlined application programming interface. Click here to install RAVE.

Join our growing RAVE iEEG community on Slack. E-mail slack@rave.wiki for an invitation.

RAVE has been developed since 2017 with funding provided by NIH 1R24MH117529. If you use RAVE for a publication, please cite:
NeuroImage RAVE cover
NeuroImage RAVE cover

Magnotti JF, Wang Z, Beauchamp MS.
RAVE: comprehensive open-source software for reproducible analysis and visualization of intracranial EEG data.
NeuroImage (2020) 223:117341.
Click here for the journal full text Click here for the PDF. Click here for the preprint.

If you use RAVE for a talk, please include this acknowledgement (click on image for hi-res version):

Other papers published using RAVE:

  1. Metzger BA, Magnotti JF, Wang Z, Nesbitt E, Karas PJ, Yoshor D, Beauchamp MS. Responses to Visual Speech in Human Posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus Examined with iEEG Deconvolution. Journal of Neuroscience 2020; 40, 6938-6948; Journal website | bioRxiv preprint
  2. Karas PJ, Magnotti JF, Metzger BA, Zhu LL, Smith KB, Yoshor D, Beauchamp MS. The visual speech head start improves perception and reduces superior temporal cortex responses to auditory speech. eLife 2019;8:e48116 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.48116 Click here to download the PDF. Click here for the journal full text Click here for the preprint.
  3. Wang Z, Magnotti JF, Zhang X, Beauchamp MS. YAEL: Your Advanced Electrode Localizer. eNeuro 19 October 2023, 10 (10) ENEURO.0328-23.2023 Click here for the journal full text Click here for the PDF. Click here for the preprint.
  4. Wang Z, Magnotti JF, Beauchamp MS, Li M. Functional Group Bridge for Simultaneous Regression and Support Estimation. Biometrics 79(2):1226-1238. June 2023. DOI: 10.1111/biom.13684 Click here for the journal full text Click here for the PDF.

Send us your (p)reprint and we will add it to the list!

Thank you for visiting the RAVE wiki, accessible at rave.wiki.