Plastic Surgery Research Manchester - Publications

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  1. Al-Nuaimi Y, Bayat A. Wound Management. British Journal of Hospital Medicine (MMC Series). In Press. 2007.
  2. Ayers D, Clements DN, Day PJR. Expression stability of commonly used control genes in canine articular connective tissues Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. Accepted April 2007.
  3. Bayat A. Reduction of hypertrophic scar via retroviral delivery of a dominant negative TGF-beta receptor II. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2007;60(1):73-74.
  4. Brown JJ, Ollier WE, Arscott G, Xiaya Ke, Lamb J, Day P, Bayat A. Genetic Susceptibility to Keloid Scarring: SMAD gene Frequencies in Jamaicans: (Submitted to Journal of experimental Dermatology May 2007 – under review)
  5. Bush J, Bayat A. Surgical Instruments, Sutures and Suturing Techniques. British Journal of Hospital Medicine (MMC Series). In Press. 2007.
  6. Bush J, Bayat A, Ferguson MWJ, McGrouther DA. Facial Scarring. Ophthalmology. In press 2007.
  7. Bush J, Bayat A, McGrouther DA. The W-plasty – Some practical advice. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, In press 2007.
  8. Bush J, Bayat A, McGrouther DA. W-Plasty. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. In press 2007.
  9. Chinoy H, Salway F, John S, Fertig N, Tait BD, Oddis CV, Ollier WE, Cooper RG. Interferon-Gamma and Interleukin-4 Gene polymorphisms in UK Caucasian idiopathic inflammatory myopathy patients. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007 Apr 3; [Epub ahead of print]
  10. Chinoy H, Salway F, Fertig N, Tait BD, Oddis CV, Ollier WE, Cooper RG. Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 single nucleotide polymorphisms do not confer susceptibility for the development of adult onset polymyositis/dermatomyositis in UK Caucasians. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2007 Apr;46(4):604-7. Epub 2006 Oct 25.
  11. Clements DN, Carter SD, Innes JF, Ollier WER, Day PJR. Gene expression profiling of normal and ruptured canine anterior cruciate ligaments. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. Accepted 2007.#Durani P, Bayat A. Levels of evidence for treatment of keloid scarring. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. In press 2007.
  12. Day PJR. Specific detection of bacterial pathogens using oligonucleotide microarrays generated from hydrolysis PCR probe sequences. Microarrays; Methods and Protocols, Second Edition Editor, Rampal B. Methods in Molecular Biology. The Humana Press Inc, 2007 (In press).
  13. Day PJR, Manz A. Old questions, new analytes and the arrival of integrated quantitative clinical diagnosis. Nature Biotechnology. In review.
  14. Giger T, Amstutz U, Excoffier L, Champigneulle A, Day PJR, Powell R, Largiadèr CR. The genetic basis of smoltification: Functional genomics tools facilitate the search for the needle in the haystack. In: Sea Trout: Biology Conservation and Management eds. Harris G, Millner NJ. Blackwell, London. 2007.
  15. Jagadeesan J, Bayat A. Role of TGF beta in keloid pathogenesis. International Journal of surgery. In press 2007.
  16. Jalali M, Bayat A. Current use of steroids in management of abnormal raised skin scars. The Surgeon 2007;5(3):175-179.
  17. Kennedy LJ, Barnes A, Short A, Brown JJ, Seddon J, Fleeman L, Brkljacic M, Happ GM, Catchpole B, Ollier WE. Canine DLA diversity: 3. Disease studies. Tissue Antigens 2007; 69 Suppl 1: 292-296.
  18. Kennedy LJ, Barnes A, Short A, Brown JJ, Lester S, Seddon J, Fleeman L, Francino O, Brkljacic M, Knyazev S, Happ GM, Ollier WE. Canine DLA diversity: 1. New alleles and haplotypes. Tissue Antigens 2007; 69 Suppl 1: 272-288.
  19. Kennedy LJ, Barnes A, Short A, Brown JJ, Lester S, Seddon J, Happ GM, Ollier WE. Canine DLA diversity: 2. Family studies. Tissue Antigens 2007; 69 Suppl 1: 289-291.
  20. Khan HA, Bayat A, de Carpentier JP. Endoscopic dacrocystorhinostomy in lacrimal canalicular trauma. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2007 Jan;89(1):W4-5
  21. Leon R, Bayat A. Part 2: how to critique a manuscript. Br J Hosp Med (Lond) 2007 Jan;68(1):M11-2.
  22. Leon R, Bayat A. Part 3: Br J Hosp Med (Lond) 2007 Jan;68(2):M24-25.
  23. Maccoux L, Salway F, Day PJR, Clements D. Expression profiling of select cytokines canine osteoarthritis tissues. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. Accepted April 2007.
  24. Maaselvaraasan S, Maguire S, Bayat A. Local Anaesthetics and minor surgery. British Journal of Hospital Medicine (MMC Series). In Press. 2007.
  25. Malik MH, Bayat A, Jury F, Kay PR, Ollier WE. Genetic susceptibility to total hip arthroplasty failure-positive association with mannose-binding lectin. J Arthroplasty 2007 Feb;22(2):265-70.
  26. Malik MH, Jury F, Bayat A, Ollier WE, Kay PR. Genetic susceptibility to total hip replacement failure- Preliminary study on the influence of matrix metalloproteinase-1, interleukin-6 and vitamin D receptor polymorphisms. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007 Mar 15.
  27. Mohr S, Zhang Y-H, Macaskill A, Day PJR, Barber RW, Goddard NJ, Emerson DR, Fielden PR. Numerical and experimental study of a chip for PCR in droplets. J of Microfludics and Nanofluidics. Accepted, 2007.
  28. Prest JE, Baldock SJ, Day PJ, Fielden PR, Goddard NJ, Treves Brown BJ. Miniaturised isotachophoresis of DNA. J Chromatogr A. 2007 Jan 12; epub ahead of print.
  29. Taylor B, McGrouther DA, Bayat A. Use of a non-contact 3D digitiser to measure the volume of keloid scars: a useful tool for scar assessment. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2007;60(1):87-94.


  1. Al-Nuaimi Y, McGrouther G, Bayat A. Modernizing medical careers in the UK and plastic surgery as a possible career choice: undergraduate opinions. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2006;59(12):1472-4.
  2. Amstutz U, Giger T, Champigneulle A, Day PJR, Largiadèr CR. Distinct temporal patterns of Transaldolase 1 gene expression in future migratory and sedentary brown trout (Salmo trutta). Aquaculture 260: 326-336, 2006.
  3. Bayat A, McGrouther DA. Dupuytren’s disease. Surgery 2006;24(11):373-375.
  4. Bayat A, McGrouther DA. Dupuytren’s disease. Clear advice for an elusive condition. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeon’s of England 2006:88:3-8.
  5. Bayat A, McGrouther DA. Clinical management of skin scars. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 2006,;67(10):527 - 532.
  6. Bayat A, Winder C, Stanley JK, Day P, Goodacre R. Proteome analysis of dupuytren's disease differentiating between disease tissue phenotypes (nodule, cord and transverse palmar fascia) and control palmar fascia. J Hand Surg [Br] 2006;31B(Suppl,1):5.
  7. Brown JJ, Ollier WE, Thomson W, Matthews JB, Carter SD, Binns M, Pinchbeck G, Clegg PD. TNF-alpha SNP haplotype frequencies in equidae. Tissue Antigens 2006; 67(5): 377-382.
  8. Chen L, Prest JE, Fielden PR, Goddard NJ, Manz A, Day PJR. Miniaturised isotachophoresis analysis. Lab Chip. 6(4):474-87, 2006.
  9. Chinoy H, Salway F, Fertig N, Shephard N, Tait BD, Thomson W, Isenberg DA, Oddis CV, Silman AJ, Ollier WE, Cooper RG; UK Adult Onset Myositis Immunogenetic Collaboration (AOMIC). In adult onset myositis, the presence of interstitial lung disease and myositis specific/associated antibodies are governed by HLA class II haplotype, rather than by myositis subtype. Arthritis Res Ther. 2006;8(1):R13.
  10. Clements DN, Carter SD, Innes JF, Ollier WER,Day PJR. Analysis of normal and osteoarthritic canine cartilage mRNA expression by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Arthritis Research and Therapy 8: R158. 2006.
  11. Day PJR.Miniaturization applied to analysis of nucleic acids in heterogeneous samples. Expert Rev. Mol. Diag. 6(1), 23-28, 2006.
  12. Giannas J, Bayat A, Watson JS. Common peroneal nerve injury during varicose vein operation. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2006;31(4):443-5.
  13. Giger T, Excoffier L, Day PJR, Champigneulle A, Hansen MM, Powell R, Largiadèr CR.Life history shapes gene expression in salmonids. Current Biology. Available on line R281-R262, 2006.
  14. Godey SK, Bhatti WA, Watson JS, Bayat A. A technique for accurate and safe injection of steroid in trigger digits using ultrasound guidance. Acta Orthop Belg. 2006 Oct;72#Hindocha S, Stanley JK, Watson S, Bayat A. Dupuytren's diathesis revisited: Evaluation of prognostic indicators for risk of disease recurrence. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2006 Dec;31(10):1626-34.
  15. Hindocha S, Stanley JK, John S, Bayat A. The Heritability of Dupuytren's Disease: Familial Aggregation and Its Clinical Significance.The Journal of Hand Surgery (American) 2006 Feb;31(2):204-210.
  16. Kassama, Y., Shemko, M., Yates, M., Shetty, N., Fang, Z., MacIntire, M., Gant, V., Zumla, A., Goodacre, R. An Improved FAFLP Method for Typing M. tuberculosis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2006;44:288-289.
  17. Khan H, Bayat A. Manual graft meshing: taking it further. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 2006;117(1):340-1.
  18. Leon R, Bayat A. Part I: Critical appraisal series: medical resources Br J Hosp Med (Lond) 2006 Dec;67(12):M218-219.
  19. Lux A, Salway F, Dressman HK, Kröner-Lux G, Hafner M, Day PJR, Marchuk DA, Garland J. ALK1 signalling analysis identifies angiogenesis related genes and reveals disparity between TGF- and constitutively active receptor induced gene expression. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 6:13. 2006.
  20. Malik MH, Bayat A, Jury F, Ollier WE, Kay PR. Genetic susceptibility to hip arthroplasty failure-association with the RANK/OPG pathway. Int Orthop 2006;30(3):177-81.(5):633-4.
  21. Mohr S, Zhang YH, Macaskill A, Day PJR, Barber RW, Goddard NJ, Emerson DR, Fielden PR. Optimal Design and Operation for a droplet-based PCR chip. Proceedings of ASME ICNMM2006 4th International conference of Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels. 2006, Limmerick, Ireland.
  22. Salway F,Day PJR, Ollier WER, Peakman T. 5’ RNA Tags present in plasma and buffy coat from EDTA blood assessed by qPCR. Int J Epidemiol. Submitted October 2006.
  23. Theopold C, Bush J, Wilson SW, Bayat A. Optimal plaster conformation using a custom-made jig to obtain maximum strength of protective plaster of paris for hand surgery. J Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care 2006. In press.
  24. Yu H, Bock O, Bayat A, Ferguson MWJ, Mrowietz U. Decreased expression of inhibitory SMAD6 and SMAD7 in keloid scarring. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2006;59(3):221-9.


  1. Amoli MM, Gonzalez-Gay MA, Zeggini E, Salway F, Garcia-Porrua C, Ollier WE. Epistatic interactions between HLA-DRB1 and interleukin 4, but not interferon-gamma, increase susceptibility to giant cell arteritis. J Rheumatol. 2004 Dec;31(12):2413-7.
  2. Bayat A, Arscott G, Ollier WER, McGrouther DA, Ferguson MWJ. Keloid disease: clinical relevance of single versus multiple site scars. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2005;58(1):28-37.
  3. Bayat A, McGrouther DA. Clinical Management of Scars. Skin Medicine Journal of Dermatology for the Clinician 2005;4(3):165-73.
  4. Bayat A, Walter JM, Bock O, Mrowietz U, Ollier WER, Ferguson MWJ. Genetic Susceptibility In Keloid Disease: Mutation screening of the TGF3 gene using rapid DHPLC. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2005;58(7):914-21.
  5. Bayat A, Walter J, Lambe H, Watson JS, Stanley JK, Marino M, Ferguson MWJ, Ollier WER. Identification of a novel mitochondrial mutation in Dupuytren's disease using multiplex DHPLC. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 2005;115(1):134-41.
  6. Bayat A, Walter JM, Watson JS, Stanley JK, Marino M, Ferguson MWJ, Ollier WER. Novel mitochondrial mutations using enhanced multiplex DHPLC. International Journal of Immunogenetics 2005;32:199-205.
  7. Bock O, Yu H, Zitron S, Bayat A, Ferguson MW, Mrowietz U.Studies of transforming growth factors beta 1-3 and their receptors I and II in fibroblast of keloids and hypertrophic scars. Acta Derm Venereol 2005;85(3):216-20.
  8. Edwards J, Mitchell S, Bayat A, Dunn KW. A comparative study of nurses wound knowledge in two areas. Journal of Community Nursing 2005;19(2):1-5.
  9. Giannas JE, Bayat A, Davenport PJ. Heterotopic Nasopharyngeal Brain Tissue Associated with Cleft Palate. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2005 ;58(6):862-4.
  10. Mohammadi M, Day PJR, Ollier WER, Data S, Yonan N, Hutchinson IV. Investigation on VEGF splice variants in PBMCs and heart transplants by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and TaqMan real-time PCR. Int J Immunogenetics, 32: 263, 2005.


  1. Amoli MM, Gonzalez-Gay MA, Zeggini E, Salway F, Garcia-Porrua C, Ollier WE. Epistatic interactions between HLA-DRB1 and interleukin 4, but not interferon-gamma, increase susceptibility to giant cell arteritis. J Rheumatol. 2004 Dec;31(12):2413-7.
  2. Auroux PA, Koc Y, deMello A, Manz A, Day PJR. Miniaturised nucleic acid analysis. Lab on a Chip, 4: 534-546, 2004.
  3. Barton A, Platt H, Salway F, Symmons D, Lunt M, Worthington J, Silman A. Polymorphisms in the mannose binding lectin (MBL) gene are not associated with radiographic erosions in rheumatoid or inflammatory polyarthritis. J Rheumatol. 2004 Mar;31(3):442-7.
  4. Barton A, Platt H, Salway F, Symmons D, Barrett E, Bukhari M, Lunt M, Zeggini E, Eyre S, Hinks A, Tellam D, Brintnell B, Ollier W, Worthington J, Silman A. Polymorphisms in the tumour necrosis factor gene are not associated with severity of inflammatory polyarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2004 Mar;63(3):280-4.
  5. Bayat A, Arscott G, Ollier WER, Ferguson MWJ, McGrouther DA. Description of site-specific morphology of keloid phenotypes in an Afrocaribbean population. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2004;57(2):122-133.
  6. Bayat A, Barton A, Ollier WER. Dissection of complex genetic disease: implications for Orthopaedic Surgery. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2004;(419):297-305.
  7. Bayat A, Bock O, Mrowietz U, Ollier WER, Ferguson MWJ. Genetic susceptibility to keloid disease: Transforming growth factor beta receptor (TGFR) gene polymorphisms are not associated with Keloid disease. Experimental Dermatology 2004;13(2):120-124.
  8. Bayat A, Ferguson MWJ. Advances in Skin Scar Management. Hospital Healthcare Europe 2004: 3-5.
  9. Greiner O, Day PJR. Oligonucleotide microarrays generated from hydrolysis polymerase chain reaction probe sequences. Anal Biochem. 334: 197-203, 2004.
  10. Hongjuan Zhao, H. J., Kassama, Y, Young, M., Kell, D. B. & Goodacre, R. Differentiation of Micromonospora isolates from a coastal sediment in Wales on the basis of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 16S rRNA sequence analysis, and the amplified fragment length polymorphism technique. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2002;70:6619-6627.
  11. Hoerndli F, Toïgo M, Schild A, Götz J, and Day PJR. Reference genes identified in SH-SY5Y cells using custom-made gene-arrays with validation by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Anal Biochem 335: 30-41, 2004.#Khan HA, Bayat A. Countering the "accordion effect" in flexor tendon repair. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 2004;114(6):1676-7.
  12. Marty A, Greiner O, Day PJR, Gunziger S, Mühlemann K, Nadal D. Detection of Haemophilus influenzae type b by Real-Time PCR. J Clin Microbiol . 42: 3813-3815, 2004.
  13. Mohammadi M, Day PJR. Oligonucleotides used as template calibrators for general application in quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Anal Biochem 335: 299-304, 2004.
  14. Waterston AM, Salway F, Andreakos E, Butler DM, Feldmann M, Coombes RC. TNF autovaccination induces self anti-TNF antibodies and inhibits metastasis in a murine melanoma model. Br J Cancer. 2004 Mar 22;90(6):1279-84.


  1. Aroushka AL, Bayat A. Chronic wound management. Student British Medical Journal 2003;11:406-407.
  2. Auroux P-A, Niggli FK, Manz A, Day PJR. PCR microfluidics device for detection of low copy number nucleic acids. Nanotech 1: 55-58, 2003.
  3. Bayat A. Studying Keloid Scarring in Kingston Jamaica. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Surgeon’s News. 2003;Vol2(1)38-39.
  4. Bayat A. Tendon Holder. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 2003;111(3):1356-7.
  5. Bayat A. Triple function forceps. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 2003;111(1):501-2.
  6. Bayat A, Arscott G. Continuous intravenous versus bolus parenteral midazolam; A safe technique for conscious sedation in plastic surgery. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2003;56;(3):272-5.
  7. Bayat A, Arscott G, Ferguson MWJ, McGrouther DA. An extreme variant of keloid phenotype. “Morbid Keloid”. Journal of Royal Society of Medicine 2003;96(11):554-5.
  8. Bayat A, Bock O, Mrowietz U, Ollier WER, Ferguson MWJ. Transforming growth factor beta one (TGF1) common polymorphisms and plasma levels in keloid disease and hypertrophic scarring. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 2003;111(2):535-43.
  9. Bayat A, Bush S. Intellectual property and the NHS. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Surgeons’ News 2003;2(2):20-22.
  10. Bayat A, McGrouther DA, Ferguson MWJ. Medicine, Science and Future Series: Skin Scarring. British Medical Journal. 2003;326(7380):88-92.
  11. Bayat A, Shaaban H, Dodgson A, Dunn KW. Implications for burns unit design following outbreak of multi-resistant Acinetobacter infection in ICU and Burns Unit. Burns 2003;29(4):303-6.
  12. Bayat A, Walter JM, Bock O, Mrowietz U, Ollier WER, Ferguson MWJ. Rapid denaturing high performance liquid chromotagoraphy (DHPLC) scanning of the transforming growth factor beta 3 (TGF3) gene using a novel proof-reading polymerase. European Journal of Immunogenetics 2003;30:335-40.
  13. Bayat A, Watson JS, Stanley JK, Ferguson MWJ, Ollier WER. Genetic susceptibility to Dupuytren disease: association of zf9 transcription factor gene. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 2003;111(7):2133-9.
  14. Bayat A, Watson JS, Stanley JK, Ferguson MWJ, Ollier WER. TGF beta receptor polymorphisms and Dupuytren’s disease. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2003;56(4):328-33.
  15. Brown JJ, Thomson W, Clegg P, Eyre S, Kennedy LJ, Matthews J, Carter S, Ollier WE. Polymorphisms of the equine major histocompatibility complex class II DRA locus. Tissue Antigens 2004; 64(2): 173-179.
  16. Day PJR. The relationship between the NMYC proto-oncogene and the neuroblastoma transcriptome. Chimia 57: 19, 2003.
  17. Greiner O, Day PJR, Altwegg M, Nadal D. Quantitative detection of Moraxella catarrhalis in nasopharyngeal secretions by real-time PCR. J Clin Microbiol. 41: 1386-90, 2003.
  18. Kennedy, L.J, Brown JJ et al Resolution of complex feline leukocyte antigen DRB loci by RSCA’ Tissue Antigens. 2003 Oct; 62(4): 313-23.
  19. Scheinin T, Butler DM, Salway F, Scallon B, Feldmann M. Validation of the interleukin-10 knockout mouse model of colitis: antitumour necrosis factor-antibodies suppress the progression of colitis. Clin Exp Immunol. 2003 Jul;133(1):38-43.
  20. Taylor B, Bayat A. How to choose the right suture. Student British Medical Journal 2003;11:140-141.
  21. Taylor B, Bayat A. How to suture. Student British Medical Journal 2003;11:182-184.
  22. Taylor B, Bayat A. Local anaesthesia. Student British Medical Journal 2003;11:227-229.
  23. Taylor B, Bayat A. Reconstructive Ladder-Pt. I. Student British Medical Journal 2003;11:271-273.
  24. Taylor B, Bayat A. Reconstructive Ladder- Pt. II. Student British Medical Journal 2003;11:322-323.
  25. Walter J, Bayat A. Part I: Neurolinguistic Programming: Interpersonal skills in healthcare: Communication. British Medical Journal 2003; 15;326(7389):83-4.
  26. Walter J, Bayat A. Part II: Neurolinguistic Programming: Interpersonal skills in healthcare. Temperament and character assessments. British Medical Journal 2003;326(7394):133-4.
  27. Walter J, Bayat A. Part III: Neurolinguistic Programming: Interpersonal skills in healthcare. The Keys to Success. British Medical Journal 2003; 17;326(7398):165-6.


  1. Alansari A, Hajeer AH, Bayat A, Teh LS, Mysercough A, Gul A, Inanc M. J Ordi-Ros, WER Ollier. Transforming growth factor beta-2 polymorphism and systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol 2002;29(6):1189-91.
  2. Alansari A, Hajeer AH, Bayat A, Eyre S, Carthy D, Ollier WER. Two Novel polymorphims in the human transforming growth factor beta two gene. Genes and Immunity. Genes Immun 2002;2(5):295-6.
  3. Bayat A. Medicine, Science and Future Series: Bioinformatics. British Medical Journal, 2002;324(7344): 1018-1022.
  4. Bayat A. Working In Jamaica. British Medical Journal. 2002;324:188-189.
  5. Bayat A, Alansari A, Hajeer AH, Shah M, Watson JS, Stanley JK , Ferguson MWJ, Ollier WER. Genetic Susceptibility In Dupuytren's Disease: Lack Of Association Of A Novel Transforming Growth Factor Beta (2) Polymorphism In Dupuytren's Disease. J Hand Surg [Br] 2002;27(1):47-49.
  6. Bayat A, Alansari A, Shah M, Watson JS, Stanley JK, Ferguson MWJ, Ollier WER. Transforming growth factor beta one (TGF 1) polymorphisms and Dupuytren’s disease. European Journal of Human Genteics. 2002;9,suppl:356.
  7. Bayat A, Bock O, Mrowietz U, Ollier WER, Ferguson MWJ. Transforming growth factor β2 polymorphisms and genetic susceptibility in Keloid disease and hypertrophic scarring. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2002;55(4):283-6.
  8. Bayat A, Bush S. Intellectual property and the healthcare services – i: from idea to product: steps to take. British Medical Journal 2002;325:S132-3.
  9. Bayat A, Morris P. New Genetics and Surgery. Royal College of Surgeons of England Annals 2002; 84(1):30-32.
  10. Bayat A, Shabaan H, Giakas G, Lees VC. The pulley system of the thumb: Anatomic and biomechanical study. J Hand Surg [Am] 2002;27(4):628-35.
  11. Bayat A, Watson JS, Stanley JK, Ferguson MWJ, Ollier WER. Novel allelic variant report: A novel SNP in the 3’-UTR of the TGFRI gene and a SNP in the 3’-UTR of the TGFRIII gene. European Journal of Immunogenetics 2002;29(5):445-6.
  12. Bayat A, Walter JM, McAndrew P, Watson JS, Stanley JK, Marino M, Ferguson MWJ, Ollier WER. Identification of novel mitochondrial mutations in Dupuytren’s disease using enhanced multiplex DHPLC. American Journal of Human Genetics 2002;71(4):500.
  13. Bayat A, Watson JS, Stanley JK, Alansari A, Shah M, Ferguson MWJ, Ollier WER. Genetic susceptibility in Dupuytren's disease: TGF-β1 Polymorphisms and Dupuytren's disease. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2002;84B(2): 211-215.
  14. Chaudhry S, Bayat A. Creepy crawly medicine. Does it work? Student British Medical Journal. 2002;10:275-6.
  15. Greiner O, Berger C, Day PJR, Meier G, Tang CM, Nadal D. Rates of Detection of Neisseria meningitidis in tonsils differ in relation to local incidence of invasive disease. J Clin Microbiol 40: 3917-3921, 2002.
  16. Shabaan H, Bayat A, Davenport PJ, Shah M. Necrotizing Fasciitis In An Infant With Congenital Insensitivity To Pain Syndrome. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2002;55(2):160-3.
  17. Kassama, Y, Rooney, P. J. and Goodacre, R. A fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism probabilistic database for the identification of bacterial isolates from urinary tract infections. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2002;40:2795-2800.


  1. Bayat A. A novel irrigating vessel dilator for microsurgery. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 2001;108(3):797-798.
  2. Bayat A. Research Pre-SpR training: Bridging the gap between basic and higher surgical training: The research option. British Medical Journal 2001;322(S2)7298:2-3.
  3. Bayat A. Surgery and the New Genetics. Royal College of Surgeons of England Annals. 2001;83:134-135.
  4. Bayat A, Malik MHA. Research Pre-SpR training: Bridging the gap between basic and higher surgical training: The clinical option. British Medical Journal 2001;322(S2)7297:2-3.
  5. Berger C, P Day, Meier G, Zingg W, Bossart W, Nadal D. Dynamics of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA levels in serum during EBV-associated disease. J Med Virol 64: 505-12, 2001. (Pfizer prize, February 2002)
  6. Greiner O, Day, PJR, Bosshard PP, Imeri F, Altwegg M, Nadal D. Quantitative detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae in nasopharyngeal secretions by real-time PCR. J Clin Microbiol 39: 3129-3134, 2001.


  1. Bayat A, Kelly EJ, Dunn KW. Split skin grafting fixation with histoacryl and stapling. A dual technique. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2000;53(2):172.
  2. Bayat A, Ahmed I. Research Methods. Royal College of Surgeons of England Annals. (suppl). 2000;82:294-295.
  3. Bidwai A, Bayat A. A career in surgery. Student British Medical Journal 2000;Vol 9. 235-236.


  1. Bayat A, Neumann L, Wallace WA. Late Repair with Fascia Lata Graft of Simultaneous Bilateral Distal Biceps Brachii Tendon Avulsion. British Journal of Sports Medicine 1999;33:281-283.
  2. Watanabe TK, Bihoreau M-T….Day PJ et al. A radiation hybrid map of the rat genome containing 5,255 markers. Nature Genetics 22: 27-36 May, 1999.


  1. Deloukas P, GD Schuler… Day PJ et al. A physical map of 30,000 human genes. Science 282: 744-746, 1998.


  1. Schuler GD, Boguski MS....Day PJ et al. A gene map of the human genome. Science 274: 540-546, 1996.
  2. Weinreb M, Day PJR, Nyongo A, Riyat MS, Othieno-Abinya NA, Raafat F, Mann JR. Consistent association between Epstein-Barr Virus and childhood Hodgkin's disease in Kenya. Blood 87: 3828-3836, 1996.
  3. Weinreb M, Day PJR, Niggli FK, Powell J, Raafat F, Hesseling PB, Schneider JW et al. The role of EBV in Hodgkin's disease in children from different geographical areas. Archives of Childhood Diseases 74: 27-31, 1996.


  1. Weinreb M, Day PJR, Niggli FK, Raafat F, Mann JR. BCL-2 oncoprotein in neuroblastoma. Lancet, (345): 15th April, 1995.


  1. Weinreb M, Niggli FK, Day PJR, Stevens, Mann JR. Prevalence of monosomy 18 in childhood Hodgkin's disease. Clin Oncol 6: 193-194, 1994.


  1. Smith C, Day PJR, Walker MR. Generation of cohesive ends on PCR products by UDG-mediated excision of dU, and application for cloning into restriction digest-linearized vectors. PCR Meths and Applic 2: 328-332, 1993.


  1. Day PJR, Walker MR. Sequencing self-ligated PCR products using 3' over-hangs generated by specific cleavage of dUTP by uracil DNA glycosylase. Nucleic Acids Res 19: 6959, 1991.
  2. Day PJR, Flora PS, Fox JE, Walker MR. Immobilisation of polynucleotides to magnetic particles: factors influencing hybridisation efficiency. Biochem J 278: 735-740, 1991.
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