Matt Gethers/CRI, Thailand/Specifications/pIs001

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This is the name I've assigned the pET-11a/HmgR ORF ligation product. pIs stands for "plasmid for Isolation of HmgR." Decimals following the number will refer to the different versions of the plasmid.

----Ligation Products----

pIs001.L1 aka pIs001.1 - 6.20.08 ligation product.

pIs001.L2 aka pIs001.3 - 6.25.08 ligation product.

pIs001.L3 - 7.24.08 ligation product.

pIs001.L4 - 8.2.08 ligation product (freshly cut pET-11a).

pIs001.L5 - 8.2.08 ligation product (6.17.08 cut pET-11a).

pIs001.L6 - 8.5.08 ligation product (freshly cut pET-11a).

pIs001.L7 - 8.5.08 ligation product (6.17.08 cut pET-11a).

pIs001.L8 - 8.6.08 ligation product


pIs001.P1 aka pIs001.2 - pIs001 isolated from 'colony 5' (6.20.08 transformation) prep. Note: streaked the colony suspension of colony 5 out on a plate and selected two colonies to make preps, denoted 1 and 2. I won't bother to differentiate between them, but all the sequencing work was done with the first prep (denoted "1" in my freezer box).

pIs001.P2 aka pIs001.4 - 'colony 3' (6.25.08 transformation) prep.

pIs001.P3 - Prep from the 'colony 5' (6.20.08 transformation) glycerol (glycerol streaked out on LB amp plate, single colony selected to start culture).

pIs001.P4 - Prep from the 'colony 3' (6.25.08 transformation) glycerol (glycerol streaked out on LB amp plate, single colony selected to start culture).

pIs001.P5 - 'colony 2' (7.24.08 pIs001.L3 transformation)

pIs001.P6 - 'colony 3' (7.24.08 pIs001.L3 transformation)

pIs001.P7 - 'colony 2' (8.6.08 pIs001.L8 transformation)

pIs001.P8 - 'colony 3' (8.6.08 pIs001.L8 transformation)

pIs001.P9a - 'colony 7', No glucose or extra Amp culture (8.11.08 pIs001.L8 transformation)

pIs001.P9b - 'colony 7', glucose and extra amp culture (8.11.08 pIs001.L8 transformation)

pIs001.P10a - 'colony 8', No glucose or extra amp culture (8.11.08 pIs001.L8 transformation)

pIs001.P10b - 'colony 8', glucose and extra amp culture (8.11.08 pIs001.L8 transformation)

Sequencing Analysis

Vector NTI File (Theoretical Sequence)


31.SEQ (pIs001.P1, T7_for)

33.SEQ (pIs001.P1, T7_rev)

36.SEQ (pIs001.P1, T7_rev repeat)

38.SEQ (pIs001.P1, BT1032)

39.SEQ (pIs001.P1, BT1033)


34.SEQ (pIs001.P2, T7_for)

35.SEQ (pIs001.P2, T7_rev)

37.SEQ (pIs001.P2, T7_rev repeat)

40.SEQ (pIs001.P2, BT1032)

41.SEQ (pIs001.P2, BT1033)


83.SEQ (pIs001.P3)

84.SEQ (pIs001.P3)


85.SEQ (pIs001.P4)

86.SEQ (pIs001.P5)


87.SEQ (pIs001.P5 T7_rev)

88.SEQ (pIs001.P5 T7_for)


89.SEQ (pIs001.P6, T7_for)

90.SEQ (pIs001.P6, T7_rev)


Both P1 and P2 have some significant errors, it seems. 31.SEQ and 37.SEQ contain the pretty undeniable ones.