IGEM:University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, UK/2009/Notebook/NRP-UEA-Norwich iGEM/2013/08/13

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Floor One

Isolated colonies from plated soil samples 61-76 that had characteristics of Streptomyces colonies.

Re-streaked several contaminated plates.

Filtered, concentrated and resuspended spore stocks (in 20 % glycerol).

Started de-replicating plates - removing plates where it appeared we had duplicate single streaked colonies.

Poured SFM + Apr/Hyg (30 ul per plate) for conjugation lawns - added Apr for colonies that received pAU3-45 and Hyg for those that received pMS82. Streaked lawns of conjugated Streptomyces colonies in preparation for spore stocks.

Floor Two

The plates that had been spread with the BL21 and BL21 star cells had no colonies.
DNA samples of our four biobricks were prepared and sent off for sequencing analysis.