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<dl> <dt>May</dt> <dd> <h1>The Team Sendai B</h1> <p> The Team Sendai had two teams, Team Sendai A and B, until Biomod Japan Meeting 2012. After that, the two teams were integrated based on Team Sendai B. This is a diary of the Team Sendai B. </p>

<h1>May 14th</h1> <p> Since the stage of reading and studying various papers finished, our activity as a Kisozemi team (basic seminar course for first year undergraduate students) completely started from today. We scheduled our future activity, then we discussed what kind of molecular robot to make. </p>

<h1>May 21st</h1> <p> We brainstormed about our robot and learned how to use the micro-pipette. We will discuss our robot more realistically on the next week. </p>

<h1>May 28th</h1> <p> Each member chose 1 or 2 interesting ideas from the last week’s brainstorming. Then we expressed and discussed about them. At the end, we decided that our project is composed of 2 systems.</br> One was a "doorman" system that opens the lid of a DNA origami box when the system catches the target. The other was a "porter" system that carries a target into a DNA origami box. We divided our team into 2 groups and agreed on presenting about each topic next time after a careful consideration. </p> </dd> <dt>June</dt> <dd> <h1>June 4th</h1> <p> We had a presentation about each team’s thoughts, doorman team and porter team. According to the result of presentation, we conclude that we need to think about a better structure. We talked about which structure is the best. We will have a presentation on today’s subject next week. </p> <h1>June 11th</h1> <p> Today, we did our 2nd presentation. Through this presentation, we roughly decided what robot to make. We will make a robot which carries a target into itself. Next week, we will think about the best structure of our robot and we will do the 3rd presentation. </p> <h1>June 18th</h1> <p> We performed the 3rd presentation. The details appear in <a href=""><font color="blue">this page</font></a>. <br> In this presentation appeared the issue of deciding the size of the target and the robot. We are going to do the 4th presentation including the robot’s size next Monday. </p> <h1>June 25th</h1> <p> We did the 4th presentation. We learned that we must explain why we want to capture a target. Presentations require the complete story for convincing other persons. Moreover, since the design of a robot was becoming clear, we begun the full-scale design.</br> We thought that the shape of our robot should be a pipe. Therefore, we learned how to use caDNAno. Each member task is to design the robot's tube that will capture the target by next week. </p> </dd>

<dt>July</dt> <dd> <h1>July 2nd</h1> <p> We had the fifth presentation. We split into three groups, Wiki team, robot design team, slide & script team. Robot design team started to try designing a structure of the size precisely determined on today’s meeting. </p>

<h1>July 9th</h1> <p> Today, we earnestly started to design the robot's tube. We can design our pipe based on a previous DNA origami pipe by Dr. Shawn Douglas. So we will create a new design by next week. Next time, we will learn how to do the electrophoresis. </p>

<h1>July 23th</h1> <p> We had a meeting, designed the robot structure with caDNAno and we did the electrophoresis as an exercise using some laboratory samples. </p> </dd>

<dt>August</dt> <dd> <h1>August 6th</h1> <p> Today, we designed our loop and tournament structures with caDNAno. Loop and tournament structures are Biomod2012 Basic Seminar’s original structure. The details appear in <a href="">Wiki</a> and make a schedule for experiments. We understood that making and observing a tube is difficult, so we give up our design up to now and decide to make new things. We calculated the melting temperature (Tm) of the loop structure and tournament structure, and determine arrangements. It was ordered and will come until the day after tomorrow. </p>

<h1>August 7th</h1> <p> Today, we carried on the electrophoresis of M13 and a field we made last year as an exercise for the experience on loop and tournament structures . As a result, we probably succeeded the annealing process because a staple with M13 moved slowly and was appeared in the correct band position between 7000~5000 from the ladder.</br> This concentration was too dark because it was in 0.8 μℓ 6X Loading buffer and 4.2 μℓ sample. We should do them with 1 μℓ of loading buffer next time. We redesign a triangular tube structure and would complete it by 8/9. We would receive samples which have the loop and the tournament structures and start a demonstration of them tomorrow. </p>

<h1>August 8th</h1> <p> Today, we designed a tube structure. We asked for evaluation of the design of the tube with the triangular prism to teacher Hamada, and he said that it was not completed yet. Then, we are going to keep designing the tube with the hexagonal prism and the tube with the triangular prism in parallel. </br> Also, we prepared the experimental of loop and tournaments structures. We decided to start the experiment. First of all in preparation, we created a 20% acrylamide gel, then stored it on the refrigerator. In addition, we received the sample and anneal it.Tomorrow we would do the experiment of electrophoresis to prove our hypothesis. </p>

<h1>August 9th</h1> <p> We did the electrophoresis with 10% and 20% acrylamide gel. The details of experiment is in the experimental result page. We can’t find the bands in the 10% gel. Maybe because of using Midori Green as a stain.</br> On the other hand, We use SYBR Gold as a stain for 20% gel. We could look the bands clearly, but the result was not what we want. On 8/17, we will do our experiment with changing the conditions. </p>

<h1>O-bon vacation ――August 10th-16th――</h1> <p> お盆は日本の伝統です。みんなで実家に集まってご先祖さまをまつります。</br> お盆の画像が欲しい。 </p>

<h1>August 17th</h1> <p> Today we agreed some points to improve the experiment which did not go well with the experiment on 8/9.</br> We change to sybr gold staining of electrophoresis on 10% acrylamide gel and extend to 50 minutes, the time interval for aggregating of Query and tournament or loop n tube. We failed to make the gel and we took a lot of time to do the experiment. Since we recreate the solution , we could not have sufficient time for experiments. Thus, we did only experiment of 10% gel today. We keep the 20% gel, but I thought better to rebuild them because the bubbles of steam appeared during production. I wonder whether appearance of bubbles with steam might be normal.</br> The photo was published in the Google drive of the results of electrophoresis. The band did not appear clearly. This is likely because of a failure on making the gel. Possible causes for the failure are, using the old acrylamide, forgetting to put a buffer which dilute the sample. </p>

<h1>August 20th</h1> <p> We tried again yesterday's electrophoresis experiment by changing conditions.<br> The changes<br> <br>   1. We did the electrophoresis of the gel before we put our samples.<br>   2. We did the electrophoresis on the refrigerator.<br>   3. We did the electrophoresis at 50V.<br> <br> 1 will lead our experiment to succeed. 2 prevent Query,Loop, Tournament1 and Tournament2 fall to pieces. We were careful to not forgot to put buffer so as not to fail our experiment. At first, we did at 50V, but it took long time, so we changed to 100V for 1.5 hours.<br> </br> We did the electrophoresis 10% gel for Tournament1 hours and 20% gel for Tournament2 hours. In 10% gel, the bands appeared clearly. Sample in which Query, Loop and tournament1 mixed showed that Query combined with Tournament2, and Sample in which Query, Loop , tournament1 and tournament2 mixed showed that Query combined with Tournament2.

Considering those, Query was likely to move from  Loop  to Tournament1, or to move from Tournament2 to Tournament3. 

However, in Sample in which Query, Loop and Tournament1 mixed, the band of Query and Loop , and the band of Loop and Tournament1 appeared very clearly both. So we suspected that Query actually moved from Loop to 3. <br> In Sample in whichQuery, Loop, Tournament1 and Tournament2 were mixed , we couldn’t find the band around Loop. So we may have forgotten to put Loop. Because of it, we weren’t sure moving from Loop to Tournament1 . But, we were sure from Tournament1 to Tournament2. In 20% gel, we couldn’t find the band clearly. Because of it, we will use only 10% gel next time. </p>

<h1>August 21th</h1> <p> First, we made two 10% gels. We saved one in the refrigerator and we did the electrophoresis with the same condition of yesterday. We did the electrophoresis at 50V for Tournament1 hours. Considering from the result, Query certainly moved from Tournament1 to Tournament2. In Sample in which Query,Loop and Tournament1 were mixed, the band of Loop appeared weakly, but the band of Query and Tournament1 appeared lower, so Query seemed not to combined with . The factor of it seemed to be the interaction between Loop and Tournament1. </p>

<h1>August 22nd</h1> <p> We did the electrophoresis with changing sample’s combination. Today’s sample was the previous combination Query, Loop, Tournament1, Tournament2, mixing Query and Loop, mixing Query and Tournament1, and the new combination mixing Loop and Tournament1, mixing Loop and Tournament2, mixing Tournament1 and Tournament2. We used 10% gel, and 1×TAE was added to Mg2+ as a buffer. Considering from the result, Query seemed to combine with Loop, and Query seemed to combine. But, Loop seemed to combine with Loop, Tournament1 seemed to combine with Tournament1. </p>

<h1>August 23th</h1> <p> Today we made two acrylamide gels for tomorrow electrophoresis. We changed the design of the robot a little bit. Its each end has Loop and carry a target to middle of robot. We noticed that Loop and Tournament1 are likely to combine with each other or with themselves. Because of this, we changed all extra sequences of Loop and tournament into adenine. We ordered our new robot today and will arrive next Monday but, annealing will take long time, so we will use them after BIOMOD meeting in Japan. We uploaded some results of our experiments to Wiki. Tomorrow, We will upload Japanese version of our all data. </p>

<h1>August 24th</h1> <p> We did electrophoresis with the previous samples. This time we did it at room temperature. The result seems to confirm that Loop and Tournament1 combines not with Query but with themselves. We'll receive the improved design DNA of a Loop and Tournaments next Monday, and then do experiments when we have time. As we've made the explanation of experiments and diary in English to some extent, we'll start to translate the whole Wiki into English. We're making slides for the presentation too. </p>

<h1>August 27th</h1> <p> We received new " Loop " and "Tournament" DNA sample and dispensed them. We'll do experiment tomorrow. In addition, we made our wiki and our presentation slide. </p>

<h1>August 28th</h1> <p> We did experiment with new DNA. Mixing Query and Loop showed that query did not combined with Loop. We thought high temperature caused the result. We'll do electrophoresis in refrigerator tomorrow. In addition, we made our wiki and our presentation slide. </p>

<h1>August 29th</h1> <p> We did electrophoresis in the refrigerator today. Mixing Query, Loop , and Tournament1 showed that Query combined with Tournament1, and mixing Query, Loop, Tournament1, and Tournament2 showed that Query combined with Tournament2 but mixing Query and Loop was not showed that query combined with Loop. We'll do electrophoresis in the refrigerator with cool buffer tomorrow. In addition, we made our wiki and our presentation slide. </p>

<h1>August 30th</h1> <p> We did electrophoresis in a refrigerator (at Tournament2 degrees) with cool buffer today. As a result, we successfully see the Loop and the object combine. And Loop and tournaments don't interact each other. We practiced for BIOMOD meeting in Japan. Based on what we were said in today’s practice, We edited the outline of slides. We were also said that our structure’s name “ Loop ” and “tournament” was difficult for an audience to understand. So we changed both names into new name “Selector”. We'll do experiment to make sure of our success and continue to make the slides. </p>

<h1>August 31st</h1> <p> As yesterday, we did the electrophoresis in the refrigerator with cool buffer. But, because of the trouble with the gel, we failed our experiment. Also, we made our wiki and our presentation slide. </p> </dd>

<dt>September</dt> <dd> <h1>September 1st</h1> <p> We corrected the manuscript of presentation and Wiki in English. We have already written these in English, so We should only rewrote these in English. </p> <h1>September 9th"></h1> <h1>BIOMOD JAPAN MEETING 2012 on September 9th</h1> <p> Jpapan meeting was held at Tokyo university. The result is that Team Sendai B was 4th and Team Sendai A was 6th. </p>

<h1>The All Team Sendai</h1> <p> Team Sendai A has been integrated into the Team Sendai B because B is superior to A in the ranking of the Biomod japan meeting. We work on same project together. </p>

<h1>September 14th</h1> <p> We did electrophoresis to confirm best time Target moves to Selecter3 from Selecter2. Mixed Target with Selecter2,and annealed. We left them different time 60,50,40,30,20,10,0 minutes after mixing Target+Selecter2 with Selecter3. But we did not get good result. Maybe we failed annealing, Target with Selecter2. </p> <h1>September 17th</h1> <p> We did electrophoresis to confirm best time Target moves to Selecter3 from Selecter2. Mixed Target with Selecter2,and annealed. We left them different time 60,50,40,30,20,10,0 minutes after mixing Target+Selecter2 with Selecter3. We got good result. Best time was 10 minutes. </p> <h1>September 18th</h1> <p> We made 10% acrylamide gel today.</br> We annealed Target to Selector1 in Thermal cycler at one degree for 30 minutes. Then we added Selector2 when 0,10,20,30,40,50,60 minutes passed. We waited for them to react at the room temperature. We did electrophoresis in a fridge. Result: Target and Selector1 attached to each other (The annealing succeeded). But Target didn't move from Selector1 to Selector2. Conclusion: Target and Selector1 are likely to attach to each other too strongly. So tomorrow We won't anneal Target to Selector1. Instead, We'll just put Target and Selector1 together for one hour. </p> <h1>September 19th</h1> <p> We made 10% acrylamide gel today. We mixed Target to Selector1 for one hour at the room temperature. Then we added Selector2 when 0,10,20,30,40,50,60 minutes passed. We waited for them to react at the room temperature. We did electrophoresis at the room temperature. Result: Target and Selector1 attached to each other. But Target didn't move from Selector1 to Selector2. We just don't know why Target didn't move from Selector1 to Selector2. </p> <h1>September 20th</h1> <p> We made 10% acrylamide gel today. 1. We did the experiment with the same condition as yesterday's. (We mixed Target to Selector1 for one hour at the room temperature. Then we added Selector2 when 0,10,20,30,40,50,60 minutes passed. We waited for them to react at the room temperature. We did electrophoresis at the room temperature.) Result: Target and Selector1 attached to each other. But Target didn't move from Selector1 to Selector2.

2. We intended to see the body structure of hexagonal tube with AFM. But we decided not to do today because the SUM value was too low.

3. We did electrophoresis with a little different condition, to see whether Target moves from Selector1 to Selector2, and from Selector1 to Selector3. Result: Target moved from Selector2 to Selector3. But Target didn't seem to attach to Selector1. </p> </dd>

<dt>October</dt> <dd>


<dt>November</dt> <dd>

</dd> </dl>

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