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<html> <head> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($) {

   $.fn.innerfade = function(options) {
       return this.each(function() {   
           $.innerfade(this, options);
   $.innerfade = function(container, options) {
       var settings = {
       		'animationtype':    'fade',
           'speed':            'normal',
           'type':             'sequence',
           'timeout':          1000,
           'containerheight':  'auto',
           'runningclass':     'innerfade',
           'children':         null
       if (options)
           $.extend(settings, options);
       if (settings.children === null)
           var elements = $(container).children();
           var elements = $(container).children(settings.children);
       if (elements.length > 1) {
           $(container).css('position', 'relative').css('height', settings.containerheight).addClass(settings.runningclass);
           for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
               $(elements[i]).css('z-index', String(elements.length-i)).css('position', 'absolute').hide();
           if (settings.type == "sequence") {
               setTimeout(function() {
                   $, settings, 1, 0);
               }, settings.timeout);
           } else if (settings.type == "random") {
           		var last = Math.floor ( Math.random () * ( elements.length ) );
               setTimeout(function() {
                   do { 

current = Math.floor ( Math.random ( ) * ( elements.length ) ); } while (last == current ); $, settings, current, last);

               }, settings.timeout);

} else if ( settings.type == 'random_start' ) { settings.type = 'sequence'; var current = Math.floor ( Math.random () * ( elements.length ) ); setTimeout(function(){ $, settings, (current + 1) % elements.length, current); }, settings.timeout); $(elements[current]).show(); } else { alert('Innerfade-Type must either be \'sequence\', \'random\' or \'random_start\''); } }

   $ = function(elements, settings, current, last) {
       if (settings.animationtype == 'slide') {
       } else if (settings.animationtype == 'fade') {
           $(elements[current]).fadeIn(settings.speed, function() {

removeFilter($(this)[0]); });

       } else
           alert('Innerfade-animationtype must either be \'slide\' or \'fade\'');
       if (settings.type == "sequence") {
           if ((current + 1) < elements.length) {
               current = current + 1;
               last = current - 1;
           } else {
               current = 0;
               last = elements.length - 1;
       } else if (settings.type == "random") {
           last = current;
           while (current == last)
               current = Math.floor(Math.random() * elements.length);
       } else
           alert('Innerfade-Type must either be \'sequence\', \'random\' or \'random_start\'');
       setTimeout((function() {
           $, settings, current, last);
       }), settings.timeout);


// **** remove Opacity-Filter in ie **** function removeFilter(element) { if({'filter'); } }

$(document).ready( function(){

$('#portfolio').innerfade({ speed: 'slow', timeout: 8000, type: 'sequence', containerheight: '280px' });

$('.fade').innerfade({ speed: 'slow', timeout: 1000, type: 'sequence', containerheight: '1.5em' }); } );

</script> </head> </html>