BME100 s2014:T Group9 L3

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Name: Mohammed Binshelail
Name: Katherine Underwood
Name: Cassaundra Kinnear
Name: Kyle Queen


Descriptive Statistics

Blood Pressure:
BP Cuff Average: 120.1660517mmHg
Watch Average: 113.5719557mmHg
BP Cuff Standard Deviation: 17.76383422mmHg
Watch Standard Deviation: 13.60777921mmHg
BP Cuff Error: 4.308362636
Watch Error: 3.300371236

Heart Rate:
Pulse Ox Average: 85.61764706b/m
Watch Average: 83.31617647b/m
Pulse Ox Standard Deviation: 17.83692378b/m
Watch Standard Deviation: 16.50257822b/m
Pulse Ox Error: 4.326089457
Watch Error: 4.002463123

Oral Average: 96.60454545 F
Sensor Average: 97.12272727 F
Oral Standard Deviation:0.8616 F
Sensor Standard Deviation:0.47703 F
Oral Standard Error:0.183694324572
Sensor Standard Error:0.101702353721


  • All Blood Pressure is in mmHg and all heart rate is beats/minute

  • All degrees are Fahrenheit
  • Error Bars are used for all graphs


Blood Pressure:
T.test: 6.47149E-06
Pearson R: -0.367022415

Heart Rate:
T.test: 0.001000889
Pearson R: -0.089323207

T.test: 5.20901E-05
Pearson's R: -0.042725024

There was significant difference in the p-value of the blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature. The p-value was smaller than .05 for each. These numbers show there is a confidence level of more than 95%; or there is an uncertainty of less than 5%.


One of the design flaws for this experiment exists in the watch blood pressure sensor. Cuff sensors are used everyday in almost every doctor's office around the world. Obviously these are reliable or they would not be used so often. The watch sensor seems to be in an odd place to calculate one's blood pressure. The cuff is wrapped around the upper part of the arm while the watch is placed on the wrist. Pulse is taken from the wrist typically, but not blood pressure. When finding blood pressure it is best to be as close to the heart as possible. This is why it is normally taken from the upper arm (and an artery is present here). The wrist is obviously further from the heart and will therefore give a skewed reading as seen in the data. In order to fix this, the watch could be designed to fit around the upper arm instead of just the wrist, this way it will get more accurate blood pressure readings.

The armpit sensor seems to be an issue as well. It is uncomfortable and gives highly varied readings if the user moves slightly or the sensor is moved. It just seems that this is a product that is not necessarily needed. Mouth readings are more accurate and extremely easy to obtain. Instead of using this armpit sensor, it seems if people want to get the best readings they should just use a mouth thermometer or an ear thermometer. These options are simply more accurate and the technology has been around longer and is therefore more developed.


Target Population and Need

One of the target population for the device is doctors who study the brain, including psychologists. The device will see what each person dreams about at night and report back to a computer. The subject will sleep in their bed, while the devise records their dreams. The information will then be sent to the lead doctor, and they will use the information provided by the device to create a stronger overview of the patient's mental health and condition. The device will also be used in the general population. While recording the dreams, tiny waves are sent through the device to collect the data, but this also results in the patient remembering their dream more. Their recollection of the dreams is tested against the recorded dream from the gold standard to determine if the device is valid.

Device Design

The black circle is a sticker that attracts to the subject's temples. The sensor (gray) detects the wave the brain is admitting during sleep. The emitter (yellow) sends out waves that help the subjects remember their dreams.

Inferential Statistics

T-test: 1.03978E-15 Pearson's R: 0.902656614
