BME100 f2017:Group6 W1030 L3

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Name: Amy Cumiford
Name: Jason Buis
Name: Logan Oizumi
Name: Ray Regorgo


Descriptive Stats and Graph

Inferential Stats

Mean and Standard Deviation
Oral Thermometer:
Standard deviation= 1.922602

Pulse Ox:
Standard deviation=0.870378

Correlation Coefficient
Oral Thermometer: 0.192798

Pulse Ox: 0.69081

Statistical Analysis
Oral Thermometer
T Test=1.09676E-21
Statistically significant

Pulse Ox
T Test=0.42712
Not statistically significant

Analysis Summary
Excel was used to find the averages, standard deviations, correlation coefficients, and statistical analysis of the information from both the oral thermometer and the Pulse Ox. After finding this information we have determined that the data gathered for the temperature in inaccurate, while the data for the Pulse Ox is more strongly associated, as seen by comparing the scatter plots. The correlation coefficient of Spree vs. the Golden Standard is 0.69081. The closer this number is to one or negative one the more strongly associated the data is. When we compare the Oral Thermometer to Pulse Ox tests we can clearly see that the spree test is more accurate because the R value is closer to 1. When we look at the statistical analysis we can also tell that the standard deviation of the Pulse Ox test is lower showing that there is a more consistent result compared to the Oral thermometer test which has a standard deviation nearly double that of the Pulse Ox.

Design Flaws and Recommendations

The Spree’s Sport’s Spree Band was designed to take the wearer’s temperature and pulse with limited error. When the Spree Band is compared with the gold standard, it has been proven to be inadequate measurement of temperature. The T test between the oral thermometers measured to be 1.09676E-21 an statistically significant error between the gold standard and Spree Band. On the other hand, Spree’s pulse gauge was comparative adequate with the gold standard of pulse reading, having only 0.42712 on it’s T test. To improve the Spree Band’s temperature, the sensor can be relocated to a place with more skin contact without any obstruction from hair. The sensor could be placed where doctors normally check temperature, i.e the ears or the armpit for a more accurate reading.

Experimental Design of Own Device

The experiment will need 20 premature babies born up to four weeks early and another group, consisting of normal babies born on the their due date up to four weeks. In total 40 babies will be monitored. In order to get accurate results, the testing groups will be from a centrally located hospital in Arizona. The Banner Hospital in Mesa Arizona would be the most ideal location. The babies would be tested in Banner’s Maternal Health Unit. The babies would be placed on the device, Dr. Stork. Simultaneously, the gold standard detectors will also be connected to them. To track the gold standard of the baby’s breathing and heart rates, small sticky pads connected to the cardiopulmonary monitor will be used[1]. Also, a pulse oximeter will be used to measure the gold standard of oxygen level, a wrap will be placed around the baby’s feet to detect oxygen levels[2.] To measure sleeping position, the gold standard would come from visual monitoring. Scientists will observe the baby all night. All of the gold standard measuring devices will start simultaneously recording data with the Dr. Stork at 6:00 P.M to 6:00A.M. Variables such as difference of the time of day or changes in the room will not affect the data due to the simultaneous design of the experiment. Ideally, the Dr. Stork would produce the same data as the other devices in real time.


1. March of Dimes. Common NICU Equipment.

2. Baby Center. Equipment used for NICU Care.