BE Board:Undergraduate Transition/2007-08 budget draft

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This is the proposed 2007-08 undergraduate budget draft.

Fall term

  1. Monthly Board Meetings - $100 (x4)
  2. Freshman Intro to BE Breakfasts (SWE Event) - $400
  3. Election event - $50
  4. Graduate school seminar - $100
  5. Small study break with rockin' attendance - $400
  6. Invite someone cool to talk to us - $150
  7. Study break before finals to cheer us up - $400
  8. Discretionary - $500

Spring term

  1. Monthly Board Meetings - $100 (x4)
  2. Meet the '10s study break - $400
  3. Other study break (can we have it outside if the weather is nice?) - $400
  4. UROP seminar or Mixer to find UROP (SWE Lunch) - $300
  5. Some big end of year thing - $400
  6. Discretionary - $500

  • Proposed 2007-2008 budget: $4800
  • "Fund fee": $480

Total: $5280


  • I bumped up all of Mike's original numbers to reflect the general amount of money the graduate has budgeted for similar events. In addition, I added a few events to the list that you guys had mentioned have interest in or event that Sasha had previously run with funding through SWE. You guys are under no obligation to run the events I listed, but on the off chance that you might want to run them or something similar, I would leave them in the budget. In addition, since this will be the first full year for the undergrad board, there may be new ideas that crop up and I increased the discretionary funds to a total of $1000 for the year. Feel free to edit away. --Amn 14:22, 19 June 2007 (EDT)