Goat PTBP1 antibody (EB06088)

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List of OpenWetWare Antibodies
anti PTBP1 (EB06088)
Antibody Type  goat polyclonal
Target UniProt ID  P26599
Cross-Reactive w  mouse, rat
Raised Against  N-terminal peptide DGIVPDIAVGTKR
Provider  Everest Biotech
Suitability for..
Western Blot  worked
Staining cryo-sections 
Staining paraffin sections  worked


All pages above show the same protein blot. Everest is the original producer according to a statement on their page. abcam and Sigma are re-sellers not referencing the source of the product.

Experimental data

According to the Everest product page the antibody worked in a paraffin sections of human skin [1] and was used in was used in Galban'08 (PMID 17967866, [2]). This study also shows protein blots using the antibody in figure 6.