Frankel:Force Spectroscopy

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Home=Frankel Members=#,Principal Investigator=Frankel:Lab_Members, PhD students=Frankel:Lab_Members, Alumni=Frankel:Lab_Members Contact=Frankel:Contact Collaborators=Frankel:Collaborators Publications=Frankel:Publications Lab=Frankel:Research Research=#,Force Spectroscopy=Frankel:Force Spectroscopy,HIV/Virus=Frankel:HIV/Virus,ECM Proteins=Frankel:ECM Proteins,Cyberplasm=Frankel:Cyberplasm,Cancer=Frankel:Cancer

'______ 'Force Spectroscopy


Nano-mechanics of HIV GP160


Typical sawtooth unfolding pattern of a single molecule of the HIV virion protein GP160. Unfolding forces can be extracted from the sawtooth pattern by applying the worm like chain model.

Unfolding the ECM protein fibronectin

Sawtooth pattern on the retraction force curve indicating the unfolding of fibronectin. The average rupture force distribution of the protein on mica surface was 85.1 ± 2.7 pN.