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/* --- タイプ1 デザイン2 --- */

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/* --- ここまで --- */

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/* --- ▼ヘッダ内の設定開始 --- */

/* --- ヘッダ --- */

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/* --- ▼コンテンツ内の設定開始 --- */

/* --- コンテンツ --- */

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/* --- ▼メインカラム内の設定開始 --- */

/* --- メインカラム --- */

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/* --- ページタイトル(下層ページ) --- */ /* 見出しエリア */

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/* --- セクション(共通設定) --- */

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/* --- 標準セクション --- */ /* 見出しエリア */

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/* --- 強調セクション --- */

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/* 見出し */
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/* 段落 */
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/* --- 新着情報(トップページ) --- */

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/* --- ▲メインカラム内の設定終了 --- */

/* --- ▼サイドバー内の設定開始 --- */

/* --- サイドバー --- */

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/* --- セクション(共通設定) --- */

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/* --- 標準セクション(グレー) --- */ /* 見出し */

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border-left-color: #c0c0c0; /* 左境界線の色 */ }

/* --- 強調セクション1(水色) --- */ /* 見出し */

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border-left-color: #add8e6; /* 左境界線の色 */ }

/* --- 強調セクション2(黄色) --- */ /* 見出し */

  1. nav div.strong h2 {

border-left-color: #fde337; /* 左境界線の色 */ }

/* --- サブメニュー --- */ /* 見出しエリア */

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margin: 0; /* 見出しエリアのマージン(上書き) */ } /* 見出し */

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border-left-color: #add8e6; /* 左境界線の色 */ } /* メニューエリア */

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border-top: 1px #808080 solid; /* 項目の上境界線 */ border-bottom: 1px #404040 solid; /* 項目の下境界線 */ } /* リンクエリア */

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/* --- お問い合わせ --- */

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padding-bottom: 0.3em; /* セクションの下パディング */ } /* 段落 */

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margin-bottom: 0.4em; /* 段落の下マージン(上書き) */ }

/* リンクエリア */

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background: #54b3cf url(../image/form_back1_on.gif) repeat-x top; /* ポイント時の背景 */ }

/* --- ▲サイドバー内の設定終了 --- */

/* --- 罫線 --- */

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clear: right; /* 右フロートのクリア */ width: 100%; margin: 0; visibility: hidden; /* 非表示 */ }

/* --- ▲コンテンツ内の設定終了 --- */

/* --- ▼その他の設定開始 --- */

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/* --- ▲その他の設定終了 --- */

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</style> </head> </html>

<html lang="ja">


<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>team hokudai</title>



<div class="example2">

<p><a class="image" title="team hokudai"> <a href=""><img alt="team hokudai" src="" width="160" height="80" border="0" /></a></p>


<ul id="menu">

      <li><a href="" href="#">PROJECT</a>  

<a href="">Introduction</a></li>

      <li><a href="" href="#">Term</a></li> 

<li><a href="" href="#">Goal</a></li>

     <li><a href="" href="#">DESIGN</a>  
      <li><a href="" href="#">DESIGN1</a></li>  
      <li><a href="" href="#">DESIGN2</a></li>  

     <li><a href="" href="#"> EXPERIMENTS 
      <li><a href="" href="#">Creation of temperature gradient</a></li>  

<li><a href="" href="#">Creation of well-oriented microtubules</a></li>

      <li><a href="" href="#">Contraction of well-oriented microtubules</a></li>
<li><a href="" href="#">Discussion</a></li>  
    <li><a href="" href="#"> FUTURE</a>  
     <li><a href=""FUKUSHIMA" href="#">Synchronization the dynamics</a></li>  
     <li><a href="" href="#">The Far Future</a></li>  
    <li><a href="" href="#"> TEAM</a> 
     <li><a href="" href="#">  SPONSORS</a>    


<p class="example111"><a2 id="FUKUSHIMA"name="FUKUSHIMA">Synchronization the dynamics</a2></p>

<P class="example6"> &nbsp; To synchronize the dynamics triggered by mutual interaction of microtubule and kinesin, we plan to introduce photo-responsive DNA. By using photo-responsive DNA we can control duplex formation through photo irradiation. Upon a visible light irradiation photo- responsive DNA forms duplex and goes back to single strand upon a UV light irradiation(1). By placing photo-responsive DNA between streptavidin and kinesin, it will be possible to control the formation of multimeric kinesin. Accordingly the extent of contraction will be controlled by UV and visible light irradiation.<br>&nbsp;

<div class="example6">

<p> <a class="image" title="team hokudai"><img alt="team hokudai" src="" vspace="10" hspace="10" width="800" height="400" border="0" style="margin-bottom:20px"/></a>


<p class="example6">(Figure1:Control dupllex formation by photo irradiation)</p> <br><br>

<p class="example111 clearLeft"><a2 id="TOMOKI"name="TOMOKI">The Far Future</a2></p>

<p class="example7">&#12296;Final Goal&#12297;</p>

<P class="example6">&nbsp;We aim to invent Nano Air Vehicle (NAV) that can fly like bees in the future. NAV means small artificial flying objects. As shown in the picture, bees have two types of cross-shaped fibers in their muscles. The fibers undergo vertical contraction and horizontal relaxation simultaneously. As a result, the bees can flap so quickly(2). Now, the key step in the development of the NAV is to develop a small, but powerful actuator. Therefore, if we can make muscle of bees by utilize the shrinkage of microtubules, we would be able to create very small NAV (small bee like device).</p>

<div class="example6">

<p><a class="image" title="team hokudai"><img alt="team hokudai" src=" " width="450" height="390" border="0" /></a> <a class="image" title="team hokudai"><img alt="team hokudai" src=" " width="450" height="390" border="0" /></a></p>


<p class="example6">(Figure2:Flapping bee(left),Flapping NAV(right))</p> <br><br>

<p class="clearLeft example7">&#12296;Practical Use&#12297;</p>

<p class="example7">Rescue activity</p>

<p class="example6">&nbsp;NAV is also useful for disaster research. NAV can enter narrow gaps it is possible to collect information changing natural calamities.

<br>&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;

<br>(1) Suzuki, Y.; Endo, M.;Yang, Y.;Sugiyama, H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 1714−1717. <br>(2) Iwamoto,H.; Yagi,N.SPring-8/JASRI.2013,30−31. </p>

