User:Noah Benjamin/Notebook/Experimental Biological Chem/2011/11/02

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Testing "New Gold" to check if the gold was the problem, not our methods

1mL Au (2.5mM) 1mL BSA (15µM) 8mL water Left in oven 50min, taken out for 10 min, repeat.

from Maria's lab bc I didn't have notes for this part: PCR Prep

   DPN1 was added to to the PCR products to "chop the non PCR DNA"
   10 µL of the DNA was added to a separate tube
   2 µL of loading buffer was added to the tube 

The solution was then loaded into the gel and was run

LB Agar Plates:

   .875 g LB
   .7 g Agar
   35 mL distilled water 

Transforming DNA:

   The cells were then plated on LB/agar plates with a 35 μL of antiobiotics
   30 μL of competent cells
   5 μL of DNA were combined and incubated on ice for 30 minutes
   The DNA/cell mixture was then heat shocked at 42C for 30 sec
   incubated on ice for 5 min
   250μL of SOC media was added to the mixture
   incubated in the shaker at 37C for 1 hr
   100μL of cells were spread (using sterile techniques) on the LB/agar plate
   The plate was then inverted and stored in a 37C oven overnight


The new gold successfully produced purple fiber aggregation, instead of gray. It was the gold causing the discoloration.


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