- Finish synthesis of films
- Start synthesis for new films
- Make stock solutions of Malachite green
- Completing film synthesis
- Warm 150mL of Sodium Sulfate Solution at 80C for 15 minutes
- Place both films in Sodium Sulfate Solution at 80C for 1 hour with gentle stirring
- Warm 150mL of 1% HCl at 80C for 15 minutes
- Place both films in 1% HCl Solution at 80C for 30 minutes with gentle stirring
- Place film in 150mL of Sodium Bicarbonate Solution for 15 minutes at room temperature with gentle stirring
- Starting new film synthesis
- Using Wednesday's Procedure to make new 10% clay-polyvinyl alcohol film
- It was 10% by weight clay because we used 1.008g of PVA and 0.1103g of clay
- The PVA without clay weighed 1.003g
- We also made the following solutions
- 25mL 0.20ppm Malachite Green
- 25mL 0.50ppm Malachite Green
- 25mL 1.1ppm Malachite Green
- 25mL 1.4ppm Malachite Green
- 25mL 1.7ppm Malachite Green
- 50mL 2.0ppm Malachite Green
- 50mL 8.0ppm Malachite Green
- 50mL 80.0ppm Malachite Green
- 50mL 200.0ppm Malachite Green
- Take a UV-Visible spectrum of the 0.2ppm to 8ppm standards.
- Make a standard curve to determine the molar absorptivity of Malachite Green
Solution Preparation
- 0.2M Sodium Sulfate Solution
- I dissolved 22.034g of anhydrous Na2SO4 in 1000mL of water
- I added 100mL of concentrated H2SO4 to this solution
- This solution will be used to enable the reaction between polyvinyl alcohol and glutaraldehyde in order to cross link the polymer film
- 1% wt. HCl Solution
- I added 10mL of concentrated HCl to 985mL of water
- This solution will be used to enable the reaction between polyvinyl alcohol and glutaraldehyde in order to cross link the polymer film
- 0.2M Sodium Bicarbonate Solution
- I dissolved 17.042g of NaHCO3 in 1000mL of water
- This solution will be used to neutralize the acid in your films
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