User:Jason O Archer/Notebook/PHYC 307L Junior Lab/2008/10/13
PHYC 307L Junior Lab | Main project page Previous entry Next entry |
Charge to Mass Ratio Lab 10/13/08Equipment Used
LabThe official lab procedure is on Pages 15-20 of this lab manual. I connected the appropriate cables to the power supplies, and I connected a voltmeter in series to the Helmholtz coils' power supply. I had difficulty in getting the power supplies to work; they would not register any current, or very low current. Aram showed me that my circuit was not complete, and that I had to turn a current knob on the apparatus to get current to flow. Referring to Alexander T. J. Barron's notebook, Aram and I connected voltmeters to every device in the circuit. I still got odd readings in the high-voltage power supply, so I attempted to hook up a voltmeter to it, but I got a slight shock. I therefore turned the HV power supply off before hooking anything to it. |