User:Helen L. Slucher/Notebook/CHEM 571/2013/09/04

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  • Determine the molar absorptivities of adenosine and inosine.


  1. Series 1: 0.4
  2. Series 2: 0.8
  3. Series 3: 1.6
  4. Series 4: 2.4
  5. Series 5: 3.2
  6. Series 6: 4
  7. Series 7: 4.8

Class Data

Calculations (Class Data)

  • Adenosine:
  1. Average absorbance = 0.250606061
  2. Standard deviation = 0.152263534

The confidence level is calculated using the following equation:
[math]\displaystyle{ \left[ \bar{x} - \frac{ts}{\sqrt{n}}, \bar{x} + \frac{ts}{\sqrt{n}} \right] \, }[/math]
90% confidence: [0.204,0.296]
95% confidence: [0.195,0.305]

  • Inosine:
  1. Average absorbance = 0.299666667
  2. Standard deviation = 0.169381

90% confidence: [0.243,0.356]
95% confidence: [0.231,0.368]

  • Adenosine—Grubb's Test
[math]\displaystyle{ G = \frac{x_-\bar{x}}{s} }[/math]

if Gcalc>Gtable, then the point is an outlier.
From the G-table, G=1.71.

  1. (2.00E-05,0.406)
  2. (2.50E-05,0.442)
  3. (3.00E-05,0.558)


  • Inosine unknown
  1. Wavelength: 249 nm
  2. Absorbance: 0.05
  • After correcting the best fit line, Absorbance=11007*Concentration.
  • 0.05=11007*Concentration
  • Concentration = 4.54*10-6M
  • Actual concentration = 2.37-5M.
  • Percent error = 422.0%