User:Helen L. Slucher/Notebook/CHEM-572/2014/03/04

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  • Determine concentration of HRP GNPs
  • Find equal amount of reactant-free GNPs


  • Ran HRP GNPs from the alpha and beta methods
    • The concentration of GNPs was determined to be around 10^12 M


  • Series 1: Alpha method
  • Series 2: Beta method

Gamma Method (GNPs)

  1. 10^-8 M protein concentration
    1. 9.9 mL and 100 uL of protein
    2. Stir for 30 minutes at room temperature
    3. Spin for 30 minutes at 6500g


  • Concentrations
  1. Alpha and Beta: 10^12 M
  2. Gamma (reactant-free): 10^11, diluted to 10^10 M