User:David Johnston Monje/Notebook/Maize Endophyte Biofertilizers/2013/02/21

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Remains of the Day

  • Bacterial PCR of the root samples from TVD growth room rep 2 failed again - just gonna go ahead and use the stuff from the first round and accept that they failed
  • Did restriction of all the bacterial (HhaI) and fungal (BstNI) PCR samples for TRFLP. Did not purify the reactions.
  • In the morning, I put tissue cultured Kennebec potatoes into 1:100, 1:250, and 1:500 dilutions (1 mL of which was added to 9 mL of PNCM, then autoclaved) of TBG liquid and FX fraction. Wait for a month to assay growth responses with photos and weights.