User:David Johnston Monje/Notebook/Maize Endophyte Biofertilizers/2011/11/28

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Remains of the Day

  • Harvest potatoe leaf tissue with liquid nitrogen
  • Test nested primers out for fungal amplification (gradient PCR)
  • Figure out tomato genotypes to use in experiment: tomato genome is based on Solanum lycopersicum cv. Heinz 1706 (ACC # at UCDavis is LA4345), Beaufort is a famous root grafting variety (, RST-04-105 is a very disease resistant variety (, wild Peruvian tomato with 100% tomato like genes and disease resistance: LA1286, and then there's the suscetible Heinz variety we'll work with here too. A S. habrochaites variety referenced as resistant to root rot from Phytophthera is: LA407 - .