User:Daniel Ramirez/Notebook/UNAM Genomics Mexico 2011/2011/06/14

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χρόνος πέρασμα June 14th 2011


  • Movement of half the flasks carrying the Ph. vulgaris bat477 inoculated with all the variant to a greenhouse. This experiment is for testing growing conditions between both the culture room and the greenhouse as well as to measure the atmospheric components that are produced by all the variants to have a reference with which we will compare our genetic cirtuit.

  • Today I passed 15 flasks (the half), three from each experimental variant, to Federico Sánchez's greenhouse. The two flasks that were not ready, that haven´t grown enough to be covered with the cap, were checked. Only one of them, Ph. vulgaris bat477 inoculated with wild-type R. etli number 5, did grow; this plant was placed with the other flasks inside the culture room. There's only one flask left that hasn't grown (Ph. vulgaris bat477 inoculated with wild-type R. etli number 6)... we'll see if it grows for tomorrow, if it doesn´t, it will be let out from the experiment.
  • In order to construct the control constructions I've been thinking in ways to do it once Pam Silver's genes arrive. Adding the other accesory components (promoters, RBS, TSS, spacers, terminators, tags, etc) with oligos is not completely operational as some components have a length greater than 100 bp. One likely solution is to send synthezise to Mr. Gene all there's left to add, unfortunetely, the cost of doing this would be ~10,000 mexican pesos.