User:Anthony Salvagno/Notebook/Research/2009/01/15

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  • More proposal writing and updates.
  • Keep up with Weight-Loss Challenge

I sprained my ankle last night so doing anything sucks. I can barely move around the lab and I refuse to get out of my chair. I'm just gonna read random things today and try and get computer stuff done. Waiting for Koch to arrive.

I am all ready for Biophysical society in February. Got my plane ticket, hotel room, and person. It is gonna be great.

Steve Koch 12:43, 28 January 2009 (EST): An idea occurred to me that you could try to use OWW or friendfeed to setup a beers meeting with polymerase or chromatin peeps while in Boston--that might make more sense next year, though, when you have specific peeps you want to see. You could also use oww or ff as a meeting follow-up place.