ISCB-SC:New Projects

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ISCB-SC:New Projects

Proposed Projects

We are currently looking to recruit people who would be able the help the team of Student Council Leaders. We are planning to set up a few projects and we encourage you to join one of the project groups. It will give you the chance to join one of the subcommittees of the Student Council (SC), which will look good in your CV and might give you some credit for Student Council elections, which will be coming up soon.

These projects have currently been proposed:

  1. The coordination of a survey among SC-members
  2. Investigation into an automated system for review processes for conferences.
  3. Creation of a mailing list
  4. Set up a Regional Group in your area (coming soon)

For the described projects above we are looking for people who would be able to create web forms, or are willing to learn this from experienced leaders. We will need some people who will be able to gather questions and make them as concise as possible and we need some people who will be able the write down requirements for a peer-review system.

If you are willing to help, and can commit a bit of time please send an email to the Marketing Representative ( or get in touch with the person listed on the corresponding page. It would be helpful if you could include some information about yourself and your previous experience. Please indicate in which projects you would like to participate.

Many thanks,

ISCB Student Council Representatives and Leaders