Entry Author: Henry Hess
Entry Subject: Background to topics
Entry Time: 9:45 am
I would like to give you my perspective and some background to the various ideas:
- Hemoglobin: I know nothing.
- Microtubule sheets: The sheets/cylinders are a tool/solution. Try to identify the problem. What is the challenge you are responding to?
- Electric power from ATP: Read the paper by Sundaresan and Leo for their perspective. I will mail it to you.
- Smart indicator supermolecule: Have a look at the paper by Joshi et al. summarizing the state of the art.
- protein unfolding by motor proteins: Have a look at the Nano Letter by Hess from 2002 about the Forcemeter. Unfolding proteins attached to the two microtubules might be possible (in addition to just rupturing connections).
- self-healing: See the .doc file on Self-repairing materials.
- nanofactory: See paper by Chung et al. 2008. Imagine this with molecular shuttles.
- circuit assembly: If you can take a metal nanowire, carry it with a molecular shuttle, and deposit it connecting two electrodes, that would be great. See the Patolsky paper for some ideas.
So much for now!