Haynes Lab:Notebook/Characterizing AHL quorum sensing homologs/2015/02/06

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I cut the PCR product of the insert from yesterday with BbsI and PstI. I used 5ul of the PCR reaction straight into the digestion:

Thing vol in ul
1ug sample 5
H2O 11
10x buffer 2
PstI 1
BbsI 1
Total 20

I purified the digested insert using the Sigma PCR purification kit:
[Insert Excel Concentration data here]

I also ligated the inserts with backbones and transfected ____ cells with those plasmids.
I had three plates: positive control, negative control, and a plate with the modular sender (MS).
The positive control plate contained a known plasmid (EsaI). The negative control plate had no plasmid (?). The MS plate contained the ligated plasmid.