Webster:Graduate Students

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Dr. Chang Yao (Graduated)

1) 4th year Ph. D student of Division of Engineering

2) 765-586-5761

3) Surface Modification of Titanium implants for Orthopedic applications

Dr. Huinan Liu (Graduated)

1) Engineering, PHD 4th year

2) 765-4092765

3) Ceramic/polymer nanocomposites for biomedical applications

Dr. Lijie Zhang (Graduated)

1) Division of Engineering, 2nd Ph.D. student

2) 518-986-3335

3) Injectable and nanostructured 3D scaffold based on the novel self-assembled properties of helical rosette nanotubes (HRNs) to fill bone fractures and repair bone defects.

Sirinrath Sirivisoot (Toon)

1) Ph.D. student (Division of Engineering) - Graduated June 2009

2) Ssirivis@wfubmc.edu, Phone (860) 595-9488

3) Nanotechnology Sensors and Controllable Drug Delivery System Using Nano-biomaterials (Carbon nanotubes and Conducting Polymer (Polypyrrole)) for Orthopedic Applications.

Jing Lu

1) Ph.D student (1st year) of Division of Engineering

2) Phone No. 401-573-4396

3) Improvement of vascular stents for enhancing cell function

Ashwini Ranjan (Graduated)

1) First-year PhD student of Biomedical Engineering, Division of Engineering

2) 412-736-0191

3) Nanotechnology-derived hydrogels for cardiac tissue replacement’. My approach will be to design nano-structured polymer surfaces using poly hydroxyethyl methacrylate (PHEMA), that promote the adhesion, alignment, proliferation and functioning of cardiomyocytes

Yupeng Chen

1) First year Ph.D. student in chemistry department.

2) 401-533-7561

3) My research field is the modification of HRN to improve the growth and adhesion of osteoblast

Phong Tran

1) 2nd grad student, Physics Department

2) 401-837-7913

3) Selenium material in bone implantation. Study the use of Selenium in coating on implanted bones to increase the cell adhesion, proliferation and to fight the cancer

Lei Yang

1. 1st year PhD, division of engineering

2. 401-441-0235

3. Interaction between osteoblast and nanomaterials

Young-Wook Chun

1) Engineering, PHD 2th year

2) 401-533-7107

3) Bladder Tissue Engineering