User:Alistair N. Boettiger

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Contact Info

File:E:\Pictures\Me\LTT aug08.jpg
Alistair N. Boettiger (an artistic interpretation)

I work in the Levine Lab at UC Berkeley. I learned about OpenWetWare from current users, and I've joined because Create lab profile.


  • Currently, PhD candidate, University of California, Berkeley
  • 2007, AB in Physics, Princeton University

Research interests

  1. Effects of stochasticity in gene expression and development
  2. Quantitative imaging
  3. Biophysical modeling



  1. Paper1 pmid=19628867
  2. Paper2 pmid=19843594
  3. Paper3 pmid=19351900
  4. Paper4 pmid=18571412
  5. Paper5 pmid=18001703
  6. Paper6 pmid=16495370

Useful links