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<td><font color="#000000">631321</font></td>
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=Laboratory instrument=
*Micro fine machining center
:Roland MODELA MDX-40A
*Mili-Q water
*Tabletop Centrifuge
:[](Only Japanese)
:HITACHI himac CT 15RE
*Fluorescence Phase contrast microscope
:LMS SHM2001
*Rotator of micro tube
:As One MTR-103
*Band Saw
:Hozan K-100
:AS ONE 1-068-01
*Vacuum pumps
:TGK LV-435A
*Heating Block
: (Only Japanese)


Revision as of 18:00, 21 October 2012

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Vapor Deposition

  • Preparation for deposition
  1. pipette 10 μL 10μM polystyrene-beads into 2.0mL tube.
  2. add 200μL milliQ into the tube.
  3. mix the tube by vortex.
  4. extend the polystyrene-beads on the cover glass.
  5. dry the cover glass.
  • 1st Deposition
  1. increase the pressure in Bell jar.
  2. put cover off and lay the jar.
  3. put target material (Cr, Au) in the basket.
※the amount of PVD is related to the Volume of targets.
4. vacuuming (to 1.0×〖10〗^(-3)Pa )
※Au can't connect with polystyrene beads, so we deposit Au after Cr.
5. increase electric current slowly.
6. (Cr) 1st: stop at 15A and keep 30 seconds. /2nd: stop at 15A and keep 50 seconds.
(Au): confirm melting at 8A and keep 11A until all Au has evaporated.
7. off electric current
8. cool down
9. increase pressure
10. take out the sample
11. vacuuming(to 1.0×〖10〗^1)
  1. wash the surface of the cover glass with 70% ethanol.
  2. wash the surface of the cover glass with 70% ethanol.
  3. pipette 70% ethanol and polystyrene-beads into a 2.0mL tube.
  4. centrifuge the tube by tabletop centrifuge.
  5. remove supernatant.
  6. repeat 3 to 5
  7. extend the polystyrene-beads over a cover glass.
  8. dry the cover glass.
  • 2nd Deposition
  • Reagent
10μm polystyrene beads, Au 2cm, Cr, MilliQ, 70%ethanol

EDAC conjugation

  1. Pipet 12.5mg of polystirene-beads into a 1.5mL tube.
  2. Pellet the micro-beads via centrifugation for 5 minutes at 1000 xG.
  3. Resuspend micro-beads pellet in 0.4 ml of PolyLink Coupling Buffer.
  4. Pellet again via centrifugation for 5 minutes at 1000 G.
  5. Resuspend the micro-beads pellet in 0.17 ml of PolyLink Coupling Buffer.
  6. Just before use, prepare a 200 mg/ml EDAC solution by dissolving 10mg PolyLink EDAC in 50µl Polylink Coupling Buffer.
  7. Add 20 µl of the EDAC solution to the micro-beads suspension.
  8. Mix gently end-over-end or briefly vortex.
  9. Add 5 nmol of aminated DNA. Mix gently end-over-end or briefly vortex.
  10. Incubate for 90 minutes at room temperature with gentle mixing.
  11. Centrifuge mixture for 10 minutes at 1000 x G.
  12. Resuspend micro-beads pellet in 0.4ml Polylink Wash/Storage Buffer.
  13. Repeat Steps 12-13 for three times.
  14. Store particles at 4˚C in Polylink Wash/Storage Buffer.

Confirmation of EDAC conjugation

  1. Pipet 12.5mg of EDAC conjugated polystirene-beads into a 1.5mL tube.
  2. Pellet the micro-beads via centrifugation for 5 minutes at 1000 xG.
  3. Resuspend micro-beads pellet in 0.1 ml of 3×SSC Buffer
  4. Drip 5μl of 10μM Fluorescent beads with a complementary DNA
  5. Incubated for 10 minutes at 90℃
  6. Incubated for 40 minutes at room temperature
  7. Observing the fluorescence

Observation Conditions

Exposure time(Transmitted Light)1/100 seconds
Exposure time(Blue Light)2seconds
Magnification 10×40=400

Gold and thiol modified DNA conjugation

  1. Weight 0.25 mg of gold-vapored 10 μm polystyrene beads into a 1.5 ml eppendorf tube.
  2. Suspend micro-bieds in 1 ml of Milli-Q water
  3. Pellet the micro-bieds via centrifugation for 15seconds at 1260-2680 xG
  4. Remove platinum agglomerate
  5. Centrifuge mixture for 10 minutes at 15000 xG
  6. Resuspend micro-beads in 0.4 ml of 1M NaOH
  7. Incubate for 1h at room temperature with gentle mixing
  8. Centrifuge mixture for 10 minutes at 15000 xG
  9. Resuspend micro-bieds pellet in 1 ml of Milli-Q water
  10. Repeat steps 6-7 for five times
  11. Resuspend micro-beads pellet in 20μl of 10μM thiol modified DNA and 10mM pH8 Phosphate buffer
  12. Incubate for 24h at room temperature with gentle mixing
  13. Add 10μl of 1M NaCl, then Incubated at room temperature for 2hours
  14. Repeat steps 13 for 3 times.
  15. Centrifuge mixture for 10 minutes at 15000 xG
  16. Resuspend micro-bieds pellet in 3×ssc buffer
  17. Repeat steps 15-16 for 3 times.
  18. Store particles at 4℃ in 3×ssc buffer

Platinum particle and thiol –modified DNA conjugation

  1. Weight 1 mg of 0.15-0.40 μm platinum particle into a 1.5 ml eppendorf tube.
  2. Suspend micro-bieds in 1 ml of Milli-Q water
  3. Pellet the micro-bieds via centrifugation for 15seconds at 1260-2680 xG
  4. Remove platinum agglomerate
  5. Centrifuge mixture for 10 minutes at 15000 xG
  6. Resuspend micro-beads in 0.4 ml of 1M NaOH
  7. Incubate for 1h at room temperature with gentle mixing
  8. Centrifuge mixture for 10 minutes at 15000 xG
  9. Resuspend micro-bieds pellet in 1 ml of Milli-Q water
  10. Repeat steps 6-7 for five times
  11. Resuspend micro-beads pellet in 20μl of 10μM thiol modified DNA and 10mM pH8 Phosphate buffer
  12. Incubate for 24h at room temperature with gentle mixing
  13. Add 10μl of 1M NaCl, then Incubated at room temperature for 2hours
  14. Repeat steps 13 for 3 times.
  15. Centrifuge mixture for 10 minutes at 15000 xG
  16. Resuspend micro-bieds pellet in 3×ssc buffer
  17. Repeat steps 15-16 for 3 times.
  18. Store particles at 4℃ in 3×ssc buffer

Catalyst conjugation

  1. Weight 1mg of thiolated DNA modified platinum particles and DNA modified polystyrene beads into a 1.5 ml eppendorf tube
  2. Suspend micro-beads and platinum particles in 1 ml of 3×SSC buffer
  3. Incubate for 10 minutes at 90 ℃
  4. Incubate for 40 minutes at room temperature

PAGE protocol

  1. Make 20% polyacrylamide gel.
  2. Put into a microwave oven and liquefy urea for 15 seconds.
  3. Wait until the solution become the room temperature.
  4. Add 10% APS 150 ul and TEMED 4ul.
  5. Put the solution into the gel box.
  6. Insert comb and wait it becomes coagulate(about 30 minutes).
  7. Make another gel box and prepare double gel boxes.
  8. Set up a tub for electrophoresis.
  9. Set double gel boxes and pour 1x TBE running buffer into the tub (upper tub’s buffer is new running buffer, and lower tub’s buffer is recycle buffer).
  10. Incline the tub to remove bubbles under gels.
  11. Clear wells of the gel by pipette to remove unharden gel solution.
  12. Connect the tub to a power source.
  13. Pre-run at specified voltage (250V or 300V) for 20 minutes.
  14. Clear wells of the gel by pipette again.
  15. Load wells with sample solution 5ul.(sample 3ul + 2x BPB solution 3ul = sample solution 6ul)
  16. Run at specified voltage (250V or 300V) for specified time (50 minutes)
  17. Put the gels into a cyber gold solution taper.(SYBR-Gold solution: 10000x cyber gold 20ul + 1×TBE 200ml)
  18. Shake the taper by hand for 10 minutes.(using used cyber gold solution, shake for 15 or 20 minutes)
  19. Take out the gels.
  20. Spot blue light to observe the gel.
  21. Take pictures through an orange filter by camera.

Ascertain that DNA form duplex in 1~5% H₂O₂ solution without degenerated by H₂O₂

  1. make sample
solution amount strength
40%acrylamide gel 5mL 20%
10x TBE 1mL 1x
Milli-Q 4mL
Mass 10 mL

  • 40% acrylamide gel 5mL
  • 10x TBE 1mL
  • MilliQ 4mL

  • Way to make samples for electrophoresis

Make solutions ①~⑦ as table below

solution amount strengthen amount strengthen amount strengthen
Milli-Q water 18µL 16µL 8µL
10%H₂O₂ 0µL 0% 2µL 1% 10µL 5%
100µM ssDNA F 0.5µL 2.5µM 0.5µL 2.5µM 0.5µL 2.5µM
100µM ssDNA R 0.5µL 2.5µM 0.5µL 2.5µM 0.5µL 2.5µM
10xSSC 1µL 0.5x 1µL 0.5x 1µL 0.5x
Mass 20 µL 20µL 20µL
solution amount strengthen amount strengthen amount strengthen amount strengthen
Milli-Q water 18.5µL 8.5µL 18.5µL 8.5µL
10%H₂O₂ 0µL 0% 10µL 1% 0µL 5% 10
100µM ssDNA F 0.5µL 2.5µM 0.5µL 2.5µM 0µL 0µM 0µL 0µM
100µM ssDNA R 0µL 0µM 0µL 0µM 0.5µL 2.5µM 0.5µL 2.5µM
10xSSC 1µL 0.5x 1µL 0.5x 1µL 0.5x 1µL 0.5x
Mass 20μL 20μL 20μL 20μL
2. Incubate for 90minutes at room temperature with gentle mixing.
3.anealing complementary strands for 10 minutes at 80℃
4. Incubate for 90minutes at room temperature with gentle mixing.
5. Load wells with sample solution 5ul.(sample 3ul + 2x BPB solution 3ul = sample solution 6ul)
6. Run at specified voltage (250V or 300V) for specified time (50 minutes)
7. Put the gels into a cyber gold solution taper.(SYBR-Gold solution: 10000x cyber gold 20ul + MilliQ water 200ml)
8. Shake the taper by hand for 10 minutes.(using used cyber gold solution, shake for 15 or 20 minutes)
9. Take out the gels.
10. Spot blue light to observe the gel.
11. Take pictures through an orange filter by camera.

Observation of the platinum particles

  1. Make a solvent of about 100μL in an Eppendorf tube.
  2. Put beads in another Eppendorf tube with a spatula.
  3. Remove the dust on the surface of silicon rubber with the like Scotch tape.
  4. Drill holes in the silicon rubber with a belt punch.
  5. Press the holed silicon rubber to the surface of a dish.
  6. Add the beads in the tube to the solvent.
  7. Shake the tube by voltex and set in the Ultrasound device.
  8. Inject the beads solution into the hole of silicon rubber.
  9. Set the dish to the observation units after down the objective lens to the bottom.
  10. Observe with the eyepiece.

Observation of platinum hemisphere in solution of H2O2

  1. Weight 0.5 mg of platinum hemisphere particles into a schale
  2. Suspend 1~3% H2O2 solution until liquid surface is flat
  3. Wait 1 minute in order to stabilize bubble emissions
  4. Observed with a microscope

Observation of catalase conjugated 10 micro beads in solution of H2O2

  1. Weight 0.5 mg of catalase conjugated 10 micro beads into a schale
  2. Suspend 1~3% H2O2 solution until liquid surface is flat
  3. Wait 1 minute in order to stabilize bubble emissions
  4. Observed with a microscope

Observation of dissociation of dsDNA with UV-light


  • 100μM seqA 4Azo_5thiol←DNAi
  • 100μM seqAc 4Azo_5thiol←DNAii
  • 2×SSC
  • MilliQ water
solution A
solution amount strength
100μM seqA 4Azo_5thiol 5μL 10μM
2xSSC 25μL 1x
MlliQ water 20μL
Mass 50μL
solution B
solution amount strength
100μM seqAc_5thiol 5μL 10μM
2xSSC 25μL 1x
MlliQ water 20μL
Mass 50μL
Solution A+B
solution amount strength
A 50μL DNAi 5μM
B 50μL DNAii 5μM
Mass 100μL
Finally prepared solution
solution amount
Solution A 10μL
Solution B 10μL
Solution A+B 80μL

Way to hybridize DNA

  1. Irradiate visible-light(blue-light λ>400 nm)to solution A and B for 5 minutes with Visible-light irradiation equipment(Epi-Green Slim pro S)to stabilize trans-azobenzene
  2. mix 40 μl of each solution under the visible light
  3. irradiate visible light for 10minutes again
  4. Put solution into dark box at 4 ℃ for 12 hours to cool down for hybridization

Irradiate UV-light to DNA duplex and measures absorbance

  1. Irradiated UV-light(365nm,30mW/㎠) to a solution A+B for 1, 5 minutes
  2. Measured absorbance of each DNA solutions(1~5) near 260nm wavelength of light. The Abs of each DNA solution we measured was as follows(table below).
No Solusion (time exposed UV-light(MINUTES))
1 A(0)
2 B(0)
3 A+B(0)
4 A+B(1)
5 A+B(5)
  1. Irradiated UV-light(365nm,180mW/㎠) to a solution A+B for 5,10,30,40,50seconds.
  2. Measured absorbance of each DNA solutions(1~8) near 260nm wavelength of light. The Abs of each DNA solution we measured was as follows(table below).
No Solusion (time exposed UV-light(SECONDS))
1 A(0)
2 B(0)
3 A+B(0)
4 A+B(5)
5 A+B(10)
6 A+B(20)
7 A+B(30)
8 A+B(40)
9 A+B(50)

Material Lists and Kits

grade Supplier
Product code
Cat No Lot No
Hydrogen peroxide(30%) Wako 1st Grade Wako 081-04215 *** TLM1384
POLY BEAD CARBOXYLATE 10.0micron microsperes *** Polyscience 9003-53-6 18133 643610
Glass beads GBL-40 *** APPIE 101021 *** JISZ890
Platinum 0.15~0.45 μm 99.9% *** ALDRICH 1001302221 1310-73-2 MKBH4608V
Platinum 1 μm *** micromer 01-83-103 *** 1551201-01
Catalase, from Bovine Liver Wako 1st Grade Wako 039-12901 EC1.11.1.6 LAG1488
Sodium Dihidrogenphosphate Dihydrate Wako 1st Grade Wako 192-02835 *** LAR4091
Disodium Hydrogenphosphate 12-Water Wako 1st Grade Wako 196-02835 *** LAQ5931
6×Lording Buffer Double Dye Wako 1st Grade Wako 313-90351 *** 02008D
Sodium Chloride Wako 1st Grade Wako 191-01665 *** DCN6646
Sodium Hydroxide Wako 1st Grade Wako 198-13765 1310-73-2 LAN1989
Wako 1st Grade
Wako 057-00451 64-17-5 DBM6540
Albumin, from Bovine Serum, Cohn Fraction V, pH7.0
Wako 013-23291 *** STF3372
Ultra PureTM 1M Tris-HCL pH 8.0 *** invitrogenTM 15568-025 *** 9949164
40(w/v)%-Acrylamide/Bis Mixed Solution (29:1) SP nacalai tesque *** *** L1F7876
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate(SDS) Wako 1st Grade Wako 196-08675 151-4-3 LAN1411
SSC Buffer 20x Concentrate *** SIGMA *** S6639-1L 021M8403
1-(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide Hydrochloride SU TCI D1601 25952-53-8 FJXDI
SYBR Gold nucleic acid gel stain *** life technologiesTM S11494 *** 927072
Urea for Molecular Biology Wako 211-01213 57-13-6 LAQ5967
Tris-Borate-EDTA Buffer (10X), Nuclease an Protease tested [TBE Buffer] *** nacalai tesque 35440-31 *** L1A6455
PolyLink - Protein Coupling Kit for COOH Microparticles For Microparticles 1.0 Micron or Larger *** Polysciences, Inc. 24350 *** 631643
PolyLink EDAC ***
Polysciences, Inc. 2435C *** 631321


Sequence Design

  • NUPACK: Software to design DNA arraignment.
→Direct Link:
  • The DINAMelt Web Server: We used to know K_m of DNA strand.
→Direct Link:

Software of editing

  • Image processing software. We used it to control light and shade.
→Direct Link:
  • Image J: Image analysis software. We used it to process photo of electrophoresis.
→Direct Link:
  • Inkscape: We used it to draw figures.
→Direct Link:
  • Chem Bio Draw: We used it mainly to draw chemical formula.
→Direct Link: