BME103:W930 Group1 l2

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Name: Kevin Chu
Experimemtal Protocol Planner
Name: Student
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Name: Student
Name: Student
Name: Student


Thermal Cycler Engineering

Our re-design is based upon the Open PCR system originally designed by Josh Perfetto and Tito Jankowski.

System Design

Key Features




Supplied in the Kit Amount
PCR Machine 1
Fluorimeter 1
Patient’s Template DNA 0.1
Positive Control TBD
Negative Control TBD
10μM forward primer 0.5
10μM reverse primer 0.5
GoTaq master mix 25.0μL
dH2O 23.9μL
Transfer Pipettes TBD
Tubes TBD
0.025% Tris Buffer TBD

Supplied by the User Amount
Smartphone 1
Computer 1
Open PCR Software 1
ImageJ Software 1
Sharpie (fine point) 1

PCR Protocol

DNA Measurement Protocol

Research and Development

Background on Disease Markers

Heterotaxty, (Hetero-different) (taxy-arrangement), syndrome is the most common birth defect that primary occurs in the heart. This syndrome is caused by the mutated gene, ZIC3. The reference number for this syndrome is rs104894962. This disease can also occur in other organs but it is less likely. With this syndrome, organs that are paired together have a mirror image of each other instead of having their own charcterstics. Other organs can also be arranged in a different order requiring major surgeries to aline the organs correctly. In some cases, organs or body parts may work incorrectly causing irregularity, worse infections, more recovery time, or lack of functioning correctly. This is not the only kind of the Heteotaxy however. As previously stated, the more common defects are located in the heart. Since most of the defects occur at birth, there is a varying type and severity. When the syndrome involves the heart, it is mainly because the heart sits to the right side of the chest instead of the left side.

Web Link -

Primer Design

The sequence for the heterotaxy disease allele is CCTACACGCACCCGAGCTCCCTGCGC [A/G] AACACATGAAGGTAATTACCCCTTT, with the mutation occurring at the [A/G] site. When the A gene is expressed, the mutation occurs and heterotaxy is coded. When the G gene is expressed, there is no mutation and the gene expression is normal.

Forward primer sequence (position 136,651,203 – 136,651,223, read left-right): TCCCTGCGCAAACACATGAA

Reverse primer sequence (200 base pairs to the right, read right-left): TCCCAACTTTGCTCACTCCC

A heterotaxy disease allele will show a PCR product because the disease allele will be amplified many times through the course of the chain reaction. Because a non-disease allele will not have a mutated expression of the A gene, it will not yield a PCR product and will instead amplify the healthy allele expression.
