20.109(F12):Student registration and questionnaire

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Registration/Questionnaire: 20.109 Fall 2012

Last Name


First Name


Preferred name



Course 20 - Biological Engineering / Music Minor

Year of Graduation


Telephone #

(248) 250-0901


schang92 AT mit DOT edu

Have you taken or are you taking...

20.320 (Cell Kinetics) - Currently taking
7.05/5.07 (Biochemistry) - Taken
7.06 (Cell Biology) - Currently taking
5.310 (General Chemistry Lab) - Taken

Do you have any experience culturing cells (mammalian, yeast or microbial)? Yes

Do you have any experience in molecular biology (electrophoresis, PCR, etc)? Yes

Please briefly describe any previous laboratory experience

I have been working it the Sabatini lab for the past 1.5 years.

Please briefly describe any previous technical communication experience you have

    • Written Communication - Lab reports in 5.310, but not sure if that counts?
    • Oral Communication - As far as I can remember, no formal training

Anything else you would like us to know?