20.109(F07): Available enzymes
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If you require enzymes other than the ones found here, please email the teaching faculty in advance of lab and we will try to find or buy some for you. The ones you specify as part of your own lab work will be automatically purchased so don't fret if you don't see them here.
List of Enzymes
AatII AflII AlwNI ApaI ApoI
BamHI BbsI BclI BglII BmgBI BstEII BstYI
EagI EcoRI EcoRV
HindIII HpaI
MluI MscI
N.BbvC IB NcoI NheI NotI NruI NsiI
PmeI PstI
SalI ScaI SfoI SpeI
XbaI XhoI XmaI