User:Sarah Burkhard/Notebook/CHEM 481 Polymers/2016/10/28

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  • swelling capacity 10 % beads:
  • swelling AC beads:

watchglass: 8.83238 g with wet beads: 8.87360 g beads wet : w dry beads: 8.84719 g beads dry: 0.02641 g swelling: wet-dry / dry =

  • swelling 20 % beads:

watchglass: 8.82765 g with wet beads: 8.84342 g

w dry beads: 8.83670 g

  • swelling 30 % beads:

watchglass w label: 8.83311 g with wet beads: 8.83633 g

Data Analysis

  • calibration curve . in future: use slope to find concentration in future. Absorbance = concentration * 0.0813

hence, in future we can get concentration via A/0.0813 . (september 9 )

  • DSC data: melting point decreases with cross-linking and clay. clay also decreases heat of melting bc cross-linked doesnt melt at all.

glass transition: point where stops being malleable (from high low T). between glass transition and melting it's malleable.

10 % clay was crosslinked very well so no melting (straight line i.e. no dip) . bottom line: water leaving.

heat of melting crosslinked/ heat not crosslinked = percentage not cross-linked

  • AC and 10 % column data, bead preparation (mass of beads)
  • Data analysis on AC. 7 eluted (35 ml) , 108 clean

max. absorbance for each run . in general to derive concentration . get mass of MG in mg that was not absorbed by beads.

significant increase , almost exponential.

total mg MG added after 35 ml : 1.75 mg

capacity of beads: mass MG absorbed / g beads

capacity measured vs gram dry beads. per dry mass gives you effective mass. per clay tells you how efficient clay is. capacity of dry beads: multiply by 5.56 (5.56 g wet beads / 1 g dry beads)

calculate beads and clay capacity based on mass percentage and total absorbance of MG

  • heavy metals: ICP data: 1) check closer wavelength.

concentration increased for Al (only if clay went through) Cu: increases quickly. plateaus around 60 ml after 12th sample. according to calculation, we expected absorbance to decrease after around 30 ml. total amount added Cu - amount coming out = 0.0566 mg absorbed. 1/3 was absorbed by beads. Zn: plateaus at 12 Pb: plateaus at 11 Na: starts high and gets low. significant decrease after first 5 ml. again at 7. minimum at 14 . Ca: less than Na. our clay has more Ca.